Wet nickel smelting (cobalt) - preparation of cuprous chloride from copper carbonate filter residue

It belongs to renewable sources of raw materials are cobalt super alloy containing Co50 ~ 60% and of Ni10 ~ 30%, the magnetic alloy containing the Co8 ~ 24 containing Co5 ~ 12% of the high-speed cutting alloys, catalysts for the petrochemical industry as well as other Scraps with high cobalt content, etc. Not long ago, foreign countries also believed that the production of cobalt in recycled raw materials was unprofitable. Later, this view changed. As early as 1979, nearly 2,000 tons of cobalt were produced from recycled raw materials.
The American example is the best sign in this regard. The United States is the basic user of cobalt consumption. In 1980, the country consumed 7,260 tons of cobalt, of which 544 tons were produced from recycled materials.
In the (former) Soviet Union, cobalt- nickel scrap was processed in a modern nickel enterprise by hydrometallurgical methods.
Taken from a cuprous chloride containing copper carbonate cake prepared
The basic carbonate CuCO 3 ·Cu(OH) 2 obtained in the copper removal of the solution has the following components (%): Cu 49 to 54, Co 0.1 to 0.8, and Ni 0.5 to 2.0. This carbonate is of interest both in terms of copper content and in terms of nickel and cobalt content.
The easiest way to do this is to put it into the converter of a copper smelter. At this time, nickel and cobalt are transferred to the blister copper, which is the least desirable because the two metals are the most harmful impurities of copper.
From the viewpoint of regenerative metallurgy, basic copper carbonate is of great significance as a raw material for preparing cuprous chloride, and it requires a large amount. Cuprous chloride is widely used in the production of synthetic catalysts, bleaching printing fabrics in the textile industry, as a salt melt in cold plastic deformation processes, and in stamping steel products in ferrous metallurgy.
In recent years, due to the accelerated development of the ocean and space, it is necessary to establish a power source with high power and long-term service. In order to establish a similar power source, it is necessary to use a power system in which a magnetic alloy is used as an anode and insoluble copper chloride, lead chloride, or silver chloride is used as a cathode. The Mg(H 2 O)AgCl power supply has the best features, but silver chloride is expensive. Less expensive is Mg(H 2 O)CuCl. The cathode of the power source can be made by continuously adding molten copper chloride. In today's industrial range, there are two methods for producing cuprous chloride: one is to reduce the crystallized copper chloride with metallic copper; the other is to carefully mix and pressurize the copper chloride and copper powder. The process is accompanied by the release of heat, and the following reactions are carried out:
CuCl 2 +Cu=2CuCl (1)
The chlorine-containing sulfuric acid solution is treated with copper powder or anhydrous sodium sulfate or sulfur dioxide at a temperature of 50 to 70 °C. At this time, about 60% of the copper is precipitated in the form of CuCl, and the remaining copper remains in the solution in the form of a copper chloride complex.
The main disadvantages of the various methods described above are the large consumption of chemically pure copper salts and the high amount of free impurities in the copper powder.
According to the research done by the Ural Institute of Technology, a process condition for producing cuprous chloride from the production of cobalt-based basic copper carbonate can be recommended. In this case, the precipitation of CuCl from the copper carbonate slurry is carried out as follows (pH = 2.3):
CuCO 3 Cu(OH) 2 +2NaCl+SO 2 =2CuCl+Na 2 SO 4 +H 2 O+CO 2 (2)
The final value of pH should be 0.8 to 1.0. When the pH is low, CuCl dissolution is observed. In the presence of 25% excess chloride ion, the maximum extraction rate of copper into cuprous chloride is 90%. The properties of nickel and cobalt present in the copper carbonate filter residue are of great significance. Analysis of cuprous chloride showed that the precipitation process was carried out at a temperature of 50 ° C, liquid: solid = 1, duration of 1.5 to 2.0 hours, final pH = 0.8 to 1.2, and precipitate containing nickel and cobalt 0.00 n%.
The obtained cuprous chloride meets various technical standards.
Like all monovalent copper compounds, cuprous chloride is unstable and decomposes under the action of water, sunlight, and the like. In order to stabilize it, the precipitate should be filtered, washed with a sulfuric acid solution, and dried at a temperature of 60 to 70 °C.
When rinsing with a sulfuric acid solution (60 to 80 g/dm 3 ), the content of copper chloride in the sediment was not lowered (96 to 98%), but 0.2 to 0.3% of sulfate ions were present. Experiments have shown that the prepared cuprous chloride is completely useful for preparing the power source.

conveyor belt


The conveyor belt feeds cables&wires into the crusher for chopping.

cables&wires automatic drop into crusher via conveyor.



Conveyor for Copper Granule

Cable Conveyor, Wire Conveyor, Conveyor for Copper Granule