Metal reduction method for mercury removal
I.e., an oxidation-reduction potential of some of the metal is lower than the Hg 2+, such as Fe 2+, Cu, Fe, Zn , Al, Mg and the like, to the corresponding metal chips charged showing packed column replaced with Hg 2+ ions in the wastewater . For example, the mercury removal reaction with Fe: Fe+Hg 2+ =Fe 2+ +Hg↓ The E° of the electric pair Fe 2+ /Fe is -0.44, and the E° of the electric pair Hg 2+ /Hg is 0.854, so the above reaction can be carried out. Metal reduction process may also be combined with other mercury removal methods, such as filter cloth and an aluminum powder in a joint replacement purified water in the lye mercury. Copper, for example, a domestic gold ore (amalgamation - flotation process) copper concentrate clarified water tests showed that when the filter cloth mercury clarified water 7.28 mg / l of mercury removal rate was 81.51%, the total mercury removal rate was 97.64%. However, organic mercury cannot be treated by direct metal reduction. It can be converted to inorganic mercury by an oxidant (such as chlorine) and then replaced with a metal. Square Corn Thresher,Maize Thresher Machine,Small Electric Corn Sheller,Automatic Corn Shucker Hunan Xinta Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ,