To what extent is the jaw crusher shaft, eccentric shaft and bearing bush worn?
The mandrels, eccentric shafts and bushes of the jaw crusher , if worn very little, can only be turned on the lathe to achieve the correct geometry and then reduce the inner diameter of the bearing, just to repair its geometry. However, after several such treatments, if the journal size is reduced by 5% compared to the original, no turning is allowed, and the new shaft should be replaced.
Fermator Elevator Door Parts, Fermator Lift Door Parts
Fermator Group is the largest mono-product manufacturer of automatic doors for lifts in the world. Fermator doors are installed worldwide for light, medium and heavy traffic duty lifts, for domestic use, offices, airports, hotels and public buildings.
Fermator Elevator Door Parts Fermator Elevator Door Parts, Fermator Lift Door Parts CEP Elevator Products ( China ) Co., Ltd. ,
Jaw crusher is working under the impact load, Pap alloy substrate, the pad deadlines about two years, the deadline, the need to re-cast. If the eccentric shaft and the bearing bush, the mandrel and the bearing bush are worn, and the top clearance is greater than 1.5 times of the original assembly clearance, it needs to be adjusted or replaced; if the oil groove wears 1.5mm, the oil groove should be re-opened or adjusted. The gap between the upper cover of the connecting rod head and the eccentric shaft, when worn to more than 1.5 times the assembly clearance, also needs to be adjusted or replaced with a new one.
When the Babbitt alloy on the bearing shell has a deep peeling or a large abrasion, it should be recast. For the quality of the bearing bush, there are the following requirements: the surface of the Babbitt alloy should be uniform, matt, silvery white; the surface layer of the babbitt should not have ash, cracks, blisters, shrinkage holes and shelling.
Year after year major investment has been made within the Group in order to increase production capacity, improve quality standards and provide the highest level of service to all our customers in more than 90 countries.
With headquarters in Spain and production plants located in France, Italy, Poland, Greece, India, China and Brazil, the Fermator Group responds effectively to the demands of all markets requiring automatic doors for lifts resulting in a major worldwide market share.
The automatic doors manufactured by Fermator comply with International Standards; EN 81-1/2, ASME A17.1-2000, and fire requirements EN 81-58 and UL 10B among numerous others.