Silver copper ore dressing plant
The plant infrastructure in 1958, 1960 and put into production, design capacity of 10000t / d, production and processing capacity over the years up to 13000t / d, is one of China's largest copper ore beneficiation plant. The mine has two stopes in the waist mountain (one stope) and the flaming mountain (second stop). Now the end of the open pit has been transferred to the pit for mining. The second stop will also end, so the mining capacity will drop to 4000t. /d . (1) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Ore properties: a typical mine copper pyrite deposit. The ore body is produced in metamorphic horn-bearing tuff . The surrounding rock has quartzite long porphyry and quartz angle porphyry. The ore body and surrounding rock are metamorphosed. The upper part is the oxidation zone, the secondary enrichment zone, and the lower part is the primary zone. , in which the secondary enrichment zone is very developed, reaching depth Can be divided into natural lump ore containing copper pyrite (the bulk ore), copper sulphide ore was disseminated (disseminated ore referred to), pyrite bulk copper zinc (abbreviated copper-zinc) three. The former amount of minerals is the main one, and the proportion of copper-zinc ore is small. According to the structural structure of minerals in ore, it can be divided into two types: disseminated and dense blocks. Block minerals and copper-zinc deposits can be classified into dense types. Ore useful components mainly copper, sulfur, zinc, but also dilute noble metal, gold, silver, selenium, tellurium, indium, and thallium, see the following table ore multi-element analysis. Multi-element analysis of raw ore ( 1986 data) project Cu,% Zn,% Pb, % Cd, % S is valid Fe, % Massive ore Dip mine Copper-zinc mine 1.41 1.16 0.75 0.30 0.07 2.4 0.063 0.03 0.571 0.0026 0.01 42.40 6.60 26.30 39.15 11.05 24.45 project As, g/t Au, g/t Ag, g/t SiO 2 ,% CaO,% Al 2 O 3 ,% Massive ore Dip mine Copper-zinc mine 0.023 0.012 0.0515 0.80 0.10 17.87 3.33 9.74 60.26 25.96 0.80 0.79 1.11 2.12 8.07 1.35 Bulk metal ore minerals as pyrite, chalcopyrite, followed chalcocite, covellite, sphalerite, galena, lead alumina, magnetite, limonite, pyrrhotite are rare . Gangue minerals are quartz, actinolite, chlorite, sericite and the like. The biggest characteristic of massive ore is that metal minerals account for 92~95% of ore content , and pyrite accounts for more than 85% , and gangue minerals only account for 5~8%. The copper grade of this type of mine fluctuates greatly, and the highest is 8 % , the lower is less than 0.5% , and the average is 2~3% . The copper minerals in the ore are closely symbiotic with pyrite, and have a massive structure. The copper minerals are mainly composed of primary copper sulfide, followed by secondary copper sulfide and less copper oxide. Copper mineral crystal grain size is uneven, the largest particle is 1~2, mm, the smallest particle The main metal minerals in the disseminated ore are chalcopyrite and pyrite, followed by a small amount of copper blue, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, leucite, magnetite, limonite, and galena. The gangue minerals are mainly quartz, followed by chlorite, epidote, and sericite. Most of the chalcopyrite and pyrite are aggregated in the gangue. Pyrite is still the most abundant metal mineral in the ore, accounting for 24~27% of the total . It is usually self-shaped and semi-automorphic. Crystal and granular aggregates, with an inlaid grain size of 0.1~ The main metal minerals in copper-zinc ore are pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, iron sphalerite, chalcopyrite, followed by chalcopyrite, copper blue, galena, sulfur- arsenic copper ore and a small amount of arsenopyrite. The gangue is mainly quartz. Copper minerals, zinc minerals and pyrite are closely symbiotic with each other, the particles are extremely fine, and the copper minerals are mostly in 0.02~ holographic mini backpack,holographic clear backpack,holographic mylar bag Cangzhou Yunfeng Packaging Products Co., Ltd. ,