Russian flotation reagent
First, the collector The C-22 collector is a dark brown viscous liquid with a special odor, soluble in water, and added to the flotation process with a 1% solution. In the Czech Liske ore lead flotation circuit and zinc flotation circuit, C-22 was tested as an auxiliary collector for xanthate collectors. The total amount of collector in the lead flotation circuit is 280 g/t and the zinc flotation circuit is 120 g/t. In the open circuit test, the use of C-22 instead of some xanthate (10% to 50%) can increase the lead grade of lead concentrate from 49.1% to 55.0% to 57% to 62%. In another case, the quality of lead concentrate is reduced due to the greatly increased concentrate yield when using c-22, since G22 has both collector and foaming agent properties. The lead recovery rate of lead concentrates increased by 9%, the zinc grade of zinc concentrates increased by 3%, and the zinc recovery rate was comparable. The Ð’ÐДС agent was a reddish brown oily liquid (d 4 20 = 1.02; n 2 20 = 1.47). It is obtained by the mutual reaction of ethylene oxyethylamine with methylol diethyl thiocarbamate. Silver King and its collector has a strong ability, it can be used as auxiliary xanthate collector. In the flotation of silver-containing lead-zinc ore, the lead grade of lead concentrate increased from 67.4% to 71.4%, and the grade of silver increased from 708.8g/t to 823.3g/t. The lead recovery rate was increased by 2.4% and the silver recovery rate was increased by 9.4%. In the sulphide ore flotation, partial replacement of sodium cyanide with C-21 regulator not only reduced the amount of sodium cyanide, but also reduced the amount of xanthate, the lead recovery rate increased by 1.9%, and the zinc recovery rate increased by 3.1%. At the same time, the quality of the concentrate is improved. Non-polar saturated alkanes and their industrial homologs (oils) are referred to as auxiliary collectors. The combination of chlorinated alkane with xanthate or BLC with sodium oleate can increase the mineral priority flotation index at the appropriate pH and when using the conditioning agent. The improvement of the classification index of sulfide minerals is mainly due to the flocculation of fine-grained minerals, and the increase of the flotation separation index of scheelite and calcite is mainly due to the difference in the density of the adsorption layer of sodium oleate on the mineral. In the case of oxidized ore flotation, the use of weakly polar additives results in unexpectedly good results, which may be related to hydrogen bond formation. Although the auxiliary collector itself is not very hydrophobic, when it is used in combination with the main collector, it can accelerate the flotation rate, increase the recovery of coarse minerals and slime, and in some cases can reduce The amount of the main collector. In the flotation of sulfide ore, the mechanism of action of the non-polar oil is related to the acceleration of the adhesion of the ore particles to the bubbles. The fine oil droplets are fixed on the surface of the sulfide mineral which is pre-hydrophobic by the sulfhydryl collector, which promotes the adhesion of the ore particles to the bubbles. Flotation strengthening of fine slime can be explained by the fact that the degree of flocculation is increased by the formation of a polymer in the oil droplets. The weakly polar nonionic additive not only exhibits an auxiliary hydrophobic interaction similar to oil in the flotation of calcium-containing minerals, but also serves to modulate the adsorption of the primary collectors, i.e., they exhibit the properties of the conditioning agent. In the case of preferential flotation of sulfide minerals, the use of non-polar oils may reduce the selectivity index in some cases, while the use of weakly polar nonionic compounds may increase the sorting index of sulfide minerals and calcium-containing minerals. The use of weakly polar nonionic additives, ie, chlorinated alkanes in combination with xanthate or BLC in combination with oleate, can increase mineral priority flotation indicators at the appropriate pH and when using conditioning agents. The ionic-covalent principle of the complex can be applied when selecting and orienting synthetic sulfhydryl collectors and hydroxyl collectors. The dithiophosphonic acid and the dithiophosphinic acid form a stronger bond with the metal cations in the mineral lattice, giving the agent better floatability and selectivity. In the flotation of sulfide ore, the lead grade of the concentrate obtained by flotation of sodium thiophosphonate is increased by 2.29% and the lead recovery rate is increased by 0.9% compared with the single agent of xanthate. Russian Academy Sciences chemical process for producing flotation reagents amine salts of alkyl sulfates (ACAC) niobium iron ore, cassiterite and baryte of the effective collector. The Russian National Institute of Nonferrous Metals developed the СИГ and СГМ series of collectors. СГМ collector has good selectivity for pyrite. СГМ series collectors are mixed with Dinghuang, which can increase the recovery ratio of copper , gold and silver of mixed concentrates by 1.4%, 2.50% and 3.2%, respectively. The alkalinity reduces the amount of lime used. Second, the adjustment agent ÐК-1 modifier is a scrap from the polysulfide reduction process in the production of rubber antioxidants.俄罗斯雅洛斯Ralph Trask fluorite beneficiation plant test results show that the concentrate quality is not reduced when used in place of sodium sulfide ÐК-1, CaF 2 recovery rate, while an amount of only 30% of sodium sulfide, with good economic Pi . In the fluorite flotation, the addition of sodium thiosulfate adjuster can significantly slow down the oxidation rate of sodium sulfide, and can greatly reduce the amount of sodium sulfide without reducing the flotation index of fluorite. Sodium sulfate also has the same effect, but the effect is slightly worse. Ðеонол is an oxyethyl lignin of isodecylphenol having an alkylphenol content of not less than 98%. Unlike ОП-4, the alkyl group in Ðеонол is para-position, so the biodegradation rate is increased to 97%. The number of oxyethyl groups is 6 to 12. The results of the backwater flotation test showed that with Ðеонол, as a regulator, the amount of collector was reduced by 10%, and its price was 16% lower than that of ОП~4, and the ecological environment of the concentrator was improved. The short-chain dithiocarbamate affects the composition of the surface compound of the arsenopyrite, thereby reducing its hydrophobicity and increasing the inhibition of lime by it. Under this condition, the double xanthate coating on the surface of the pyrite was not damaged, and its hydrophobicity was not lowered. Therefore, a high flotation recovery rate is still maintained. Therefore it can be used for the separation of arsenopyrite and pyrite. The results show that the low molecular weight organic drug sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate (ДМДК) can greatly reduce the adsorption amount of pyrrhotite to butyl xanthate, so that its floatability is weakened. In this case, about 60% to 70% of ДМДК, which only weakly hydrophobizes the mineral surface, adsorbs a large coating on the surface of the pyrrhotite, thereby reducing the hydrophobic butyl yellow drug. The amount of adsorption on the mineral surface reduces the floatability of the pyrrhotite. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that the main reason for the buoyancy deterioration of pyrrhotite in the presence of ДМДК is that the amount of xanthate immobilized on the surface of the pyrrhotite is greatly reduced. In order to reduce the recovery of pyrrhotite in concentrates, Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgy applied sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate (ДМДК). When in contact with minerals, and adsorbed on the surface of the object, it occupies a large number of active centers on the surface of the mineral. The xanthate added afterwards cannot exclude ДМДК from the mineral surface. Because the solubility product of the butyl xanthate and the metal cation forming compound is greater than the solubility product of the carbamate and metal cation forming compound. Therefore, the amount of fixation on the surface of the pyrrhotite treated by ДМДК is much less than the amount of affliction on the mineral not treated by ДМДКK. It is fixed on the surface of the pyrrhotite. The ДМДК molecule contains a short hydrocarbon group, which only creates a weak hydrophobic coverage on the mineral surface and mitigates the action of lime inhibitors. In order to effectively use ДМДК to reduce the floatability of pyrrhotite, it is recommended to add ДМДК to the flotation slurry before the addition of xanthate. To remove a reducing agent such as thiosulfate in the liquid phase. From the results of adsorption studies of ДМДК and butyl xanthate on minerals composed of copper-nickel ore, the following conclusions can be drawn: the use of ДМДК can remove pyrrhotite from the separated product to the greatest extent. Based on xanthate and acrylol, a new chemical ПРОКС was synthesized, which contained two kinds of surface active materials, propylene-based trithiocarbonate (ПТТК) and hydroxypropylated sulfide (ОПС). In the case of flotation with golden iron ore and arsenopyrite, the addition of ПРОКС in front of xanthate can inhibit the arsenopyrite and improve the floatability of pyrite. The components of the ПРОКС agent are fixed on the surface of the arsenopyrite, which reduces the floatability of the arsenopyrite, prevents the xanthate from adsorbing on the surface of the arsenopyrite, and makes the surface hydrophilic. Due to the different ion composition of the surface of the arsenopyrite and pyrite, ПТТК and ОПС form a complex with Fe 3+ ions and ПТТК forms a compound with Cu 2+ ions on the surface of the arsenopyrite, so the agent has selective inhibition on the arsenopyrite. . The butyl xanthate and the compound ПРОКС agent have an effect on the floatability of pyrite in different deposits. Studies have shown that ПРОКС can reduce the floatability of some pyrite variants and enhance the floatability of other pyrite variants. This is a reflection of the difference in ionic composition on the surface, which is a reflection of the different coordination complexes between ПТТК and ОПС and Fe 3+ , or ПТТК and Cu 2+ . The higher the elemental sulfur and copper content, the higher the floatability of the pyrite variant. Third, the foaming agent ОФС foaming agent is an alcohol foaming agent obtained by oxidation of waste fusel oil. It has strong foaming properties, poor foam stability and brittle foam. ОФС foaming agent is applied in the lead copper ore lead copper flotation circuit. The lead and silver recovery rates of lead concentrate are the same, and the copper and gold recovery rates are increased by 1.3% and 4.5%, respectively. The ОФС foaming agent is applied in the copper-zinc ore copper flotation circuit. The copper and silver recovery rates of the copper concentrate obtained are similar, and the recovery rate of gold is increased by 3.8%. Mountain Bike,Road Bike Tyre,Folding Outer Tire,Bicycle Tires Folding Replacement Tire HEBEI HONGYANG TIRE CO.,LTD , It is an amine salt of an alkylphenyl sulfonate which is more selective than ACAC. In this case, the recovery rate of concentrate is increased by 3% compared to the usual collector.