Sichuan Chuanrun R&D Achievements: Localization of New High-efficiency Heat Exchanger

Recently, it was reported from Sichuan Chuanrun Power Equipment Co., Ltd. that the highly efficient energy-saving multi-strand winding heat exchanger developed by the company in cooperation with Dalian University of Technology and Sichuan University of Technology broke the long-term monopoly of the product. The project has entered the stage of industrialization, with an output value of 15.4 million yuan and a profit tax of 2.1 million yuan. It is expected that the output value will reach more than 250 million yuan in three years.
Previously, the key technologies for efficient energy-saving multi-strand wound heat exchangers were mainly in Germany. This project adopts a new type of tube-wound tooling system to digest, absorb, and innovate key technology such as process calculation technology and heat transfer technology, forming a new type of high-efficiency heat exchanger product and a set of mature process manufacturing technologies. The product has the same volume of heat exchange area, can simultaneously allow a variety of media to exchange heat with each other characteristics, improve the heat transfer efficiency, save space and reduce costs. The project has applied for 3 invention patents and 1 utility model patent. It has also signed an agreement with Beijing Dewell Oil & Gas Technology Development Company to supply 8 sets of equipment for the Xinjiang Hutubi gas storage and complete delivery.
Energy-efficient multi-stream winding heat exchanger products are mainly used in the fields of oil and natural gas extraction, fertilizer, coal chemical industry, air cooling and LNG preparation.

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