Reduced efficiency tire giants spotted China

In order to maintain its competitive advantage, major tire manufacturers around the world have taken measures to reduce costs in recent years, and reducing labor costs has been recognized as the most direct and effective method. Based on this, industrial robots are increasingly being widely used by tire manufacturers in various logistics automation systems and tires in the intelligent production process.

At present, the application of industrial robots in tire logistics has been very mature. The application of industrial robots is becoming a trend. Tire manufacturers such as Michelin, Pirelli, Sumitomo, Goodyear, Bridgestone, Continental, and Dongyang have their own intelligent production technologies. Industrial robots are widely used in tire production, which greatly reduces labor costs and increases production efficiency. Prior to this, each process in the tire production process required manual operation.

In China, tire companies have a keen interest in automation, trying to simplify production, reduce costs and improve product quality through high-level automation equipment.

China will become the world's largest industrial robot market

In recent years, the wide range of applications of industrial robots in China and the rapid development rate have attracted much attention. In 2015, China will become the largest robot market in the world.

At present, foreign robot manufacturing companies account for about 90% of China's market share. Although domestic robot companies are at the initial stage of development, they are developing rapidly. The rapid development of domestic industrial robot applications has brought opportunities for the development of the tire industry. Although there is still a need for breakthroughs in automated production technology, robots have been widely used in the logistics automation system in the tire manufacturing process.

As technology continues to advance, domestic tire companies are expected to achieve explosive growth in demand for industrial robots, especially automated warehouses and rubber compound transportation systems.

Gas Oil Boiler

Industrial Gas Oil Boiler Application Field

1. Food industry: such as rice mills, noodle factory, canned factory, juice processing factory, tomato sauce factory, beer wine factory, etc.

2. Textile industry: textile factory, garment factory, sweater factory, socks industry, dyeing factory.
3. Petrochemical industry: steam can be used to heat oil, to strengthen the liquidity of oil;
4. Foam, furniture production: the steam can be used for producing foam. When making furniture, wood needs to be dried with steam;
4. Filling block production:steam used for drying the aerated brick;
5. Washing ironing industry: generally used in laundry, including dry cleaning machines, dryers, washing machines, dehydration machines, ironing machines, iron and other equipment supporting the use;
6. Packaging machinery industry: labeling machines, sets of standard machine;

7. Hot water boiler application: central heating for greenhouse, hotel, hospital, school, residential area.

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