Gold ore cyanide wastewater acidification recovery method (2)

/ SPAN> amount sufficient to Fe (CN) 6 4 - when all of the precipitate is not formed copper Cu 2 Fe (CN) 6, since wastewater SCN - generally much larger than the Cu content (slag exception cyanide), it is almost copper all and SCN - CuSCN generated precipitate was removed from the waste water, the residual copper content only 2 ~ 10mg / L, a high removal rate. And SCN - removal of the copper content is limited, except for a portion of the copper to produce a precipitate, and the rest remains in the solution, due to the limited waste water containing silver, a silver of SCN - removing the contribution caused is small.

Zinc and wastewater mainly by Fe (CN) 6 4 - generating Zn 2 Fe (CN) 6 and the precipitate was removed, replaced with zinc cyanide commonly used plants, waste water than the zinc-containing Fe (CN) 6 4 - Much much higher, therefore, Fe(CN) 6 4 - can be completely precipitated and removed from the wastewater, while most of the zinc is present in the acidic wastewater in the form of Zn 2+ . If the wastewater is neutralized, a part of the zinc will be combined with CN. - generating Zn (CN) 2 and the precipitate was removed, the other part 2 is formed precipitate Zn (OH), a small part of the gold in the wastewater can precipitate formed and precipitated out with CuSCN. However, the removal rate is not high and part remains in the acidic wastewater.

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