Classification of electrical technology knowledge heating systems

The so-called heating (the traditional said heating, heating from the user point of view, from the heating unit, the construction unit from the perspective of heating.), Is to make the indoor heat and maintain a certain indoor temperature in order to achieve the appropriate living conditions or working conditions technology.

1, According to the different use of heating medium, the heating system can be divided into hot water heating, steam heating and hot air heating three categories;

2, According to the different power of circulation, it can be divided into natural circulation system (gravity circulation) and mechanical circulation system. Currently widely used mechanical circulation hot water heating system;

3, According to the number of pipes connected to the radiator will be divided into single hot water heating system and double pipe system;

4, According to the radiator connection will be hot water heating system is divided into vertical and horizontal systems;

5, According to the process of the parallel loop water, the heating system can be divided into the same city and the same system;

6, According to the different heating range, divided into local, regional, centralized three heating systems;

7, By the end of the heat is divided into: radiator convection heating, forced air convection heating air heating, ground radiation heating;

8, By heat source classification is divided into: boiler (coal, oil, gas, electricity) heating, heat pump (air source, ground source) heating, other heat sources (solar, geothermal water, waste heat) heating.

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