The state encourages industry enterprises with excess capacity to “go out”

In the new round of regulation and control over some industries with excess capacity, “going out” has become one of the directions that the Chinese government encourages and guides relevant companies.
Ten departments such as the National Development and Reform Commission jointly held an information conference in Beijing on the 19th to release policies and information on suppressing overcapacity and redundant construction in some industries and guiding the healthy development of the industry. It mentioned that combined with the implementation of the "going out" strategy, support for qualified companies to shift production capacity and form a new pattern of participation in international industry competition.
According to Xiong Bilin, inspector of the Industry and Coordination Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, some of China’s excess capacity is relatively mature internationally. For example, iron and steel, although there are still gaps in the high-end areas, the overall steel industry in China is gradually strengthening. Encouraging to build iron and steel plants abroad can reduce domestic overcapacity and pressure on energy and the environment.
"Overall, this is a road to sustainable development. It is time for China to 'go global'," said Xiong Bilin.
According to the information provided by the Development and Reform Commission, China's steel production capacity already built and under construction exceeds 700 million tons, and this year's global steel output is no more than 1.1 billion tons. The overcapacity of steel production is already evident. In addition to the traditional industries such as steel and cement, new industries such as wind power equipment and polysilicon have developed rapidly, and there has also been excess production capacity, which requires orderly development.

Tungsten Carbide Roll Rings

Tungsten Carbide Roll Rings, also known as hard alloy roller ring, has been widely used in the rolling production of high-speed wire, bar, threaded steel, seamless steel pipes, etc. due to its good wear resistance, high-temperature hardness, heat fatigue resistance, thermal conductivity, and high strength.
The Tungsten Carbide Roll Rings we produce mostly come in two series: WC Co and WC Co Ni Cr, with Co and Co Ni Cr as binders ranging from 6wt% to 30wt%. From a usage perspective, hard alloy rollers have good comprehensive mechanical properties, with a bending strength of over 2200 MPa and an impact toughness of (4-6) × At 10 ^ 6J/m ^ 2, the Rockwell hardness (HRA) can reach 78~90. During the high-speed wire rolling process, the single groove steel passing amount is much higher than that of cold hard cast iron or high-speed steel rollers.

Tungsten Carbide Sleeve,Tungsten Carbide Roller, Steel Rebar Rolling,Steel Wire Rod Rolling,WC Roller

Luoyang Golden Egret Geotools Co., Ltd ,