Datang coal chemical construction achieved breakthrough results
The team wearing safflower and carrying 1,000 tons of excellent polypropylene slowly opened out the plant of Inner Mongolia Duolun Coal Chemical Company. This is Datang Corporation's first single-grade polypropylene finished product export, which has opened the curtain of the profit return of the Datang Corporation's coal chemical industry segment, indicating that Datang Coal-based olefin products have entered the market, which has received national attention and industry attention. Datang coal chemical construction has achieved breakthrough results. Duolun's production of superior polypropylene in coal chemical industry is based on the completion of all the technological processes. It uses Xilinhaote Dongsheng Shengli coalfield as raw material, conforms to the national new coal chemical project construction policy, and has industry demonstrations to protect the national energy security. It is of strategic importance. As one of the seven major segments of Datang Corporation, the coal chemical segment is the key industry of Datang Corporation in terms of transfer mode, structure adjustment and efficiency increase. On July 8, 2005, the groundbreaking ceremony of Duolun Coal Chemical Project was held, and Datang's first coal chemical project was “emergedâ€. The three gasification furnace installations of Duolun Coal Chemical Project are the single gasifiers with the largest gas production capacity in the world, and the methanol plant has the largest capacity in the world, especially the methanol-to-propylene (MTP) technology is the world’s first industrialization of its kind. technology. Up to now, 3 polypropylene production lines have accumulated 3,600 tons of polypropylene grade polypropylene products. In order to put the end products of coal-based olefins projects on the market in a timely manner, Datang Energy Chemical Marketing planned ahead of time in marketing layout, conducted in-depth research on market information, made full use of existing sales network systems, and expanded the market in all directions and in multiple channels. The smooth sales of propylene have been fully prepared to achieve a smooth product marketing. Steel Casting Parts,Accurate 3D Printer,3D Print Automotive,3D Print Engineering Guangdong Fenghua Zhuoli Technology Co., Ltd ,