The Ministry of Commerce finalized the anti-dumping duty on caprolactam
The Ministry of Commerce today announced the final ruling on anti-dumping investigations of imported caprolactam originating in the European Union and the United States. The investigation authority ultimately ruled that during the investigation period of this case, there was dumping of imported caprolactam originating in the EU and the United States, and the Chinese domestic industry suffered substantial damage, and there was a causal relationship between dumping and substantial damage. Gas Cylinder Storage Cages,Gas Tank Storage Cabinet,Gas Bottle Storage Cabinet,Gas Bottle Cage Wuxi Huanawell Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ,
Since October 22, 2011, anti-dumping duties have been levied on imports of caprolactam from the European Union and the United States with an implementation period of five years. The anti-dumping rates of EU companies are as follows: DSM Fibers Intermediates, 2.3%, LANXESS Belgium, 3.4%, Ube Chemicals Europe, Ltd., 2.6%, BASF Antwerp, 3.1%, Dowme, 3.2%, and Poland's Arzottotano. 4.9% of the company, 4.4% of Poland's Powai Co., Ltd. and 25.5% of other EU companies. The anti-dumping rates for US companies are: 2.2% for DSM Chemicals North America, 3.6% for Honeywell Resins and Chemicals, 2.5% for BASF USA, and 24.2% for other US companies.
On April 22, 2010, the Ministry of Commerce decided to initiate an anti-dumping investigation against imported caprolactam originating from the European Union and the United States (hereinafter referred to as the investigated product). On January 24, 2011, the investigation agency issued a preliminary announcement that initially identified the import of caprolactam originating in the EU and the United States as dumping. The caprolactam industry in China was substantially damaged, and there was a causal relationship between dumping and substantial damage.