Nickel ore beneficiation and processing technology
Nickel ore is mainly divided into copper- nickel-nickel ore and nickel-nickel ore, and the processing and processing methods of the two are completely different.
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The most suitable method for the beneficiation of copper-copper-nickel ore is flotation, and magnetic separation and re-election is usually an auxiliary beneficiation method. When flotation of copper-nickel ore, a collector and a foaming agent for flotation of copper sulfide minerals are often used. One of the basic principles for determining the flotation process is to allow copper to enter the nickel concentrate while avoiding nickel from entering the copper concentrate. Because the nickel in the copper concentrate loses a lot during the smelting process, the copper in the nickel concentrate can be recovered more completely. Copper-nickel ore flotation has the following four basic processes.
Direct use of priority flotation or partial priority flotation process: When the ore contains more copper than nickel, this process can be used to select copper as a separate concentrate. The advantage of this process is that copper concentrates with lower nickel content can be obtained directly.
1) Mixed flotation process: used to select ore containing copper below nickel, and the obtained copper-nickel mixed concentrate is directly smelted into high-ice nickel.
2) Mixing - preferred flotation process: mixing flotation of copper and nickel from ore, and separating copper concentrate containing low nickel and nickel concentrate containing copper from the mixed concentrate. After the nickel concentrate is smelted, high ice nickel is obtained, and the high ice nickel is further subjected to flotation separation.
3) Mixing - preferential flotation and recovery of part of the nickel from the mixed flotation tailings: when the floatability of various nickel minerals in the ore varies greatly, the copper-nickel is mixed and floated, and then from its tailings Further recycling of nickel-containing minerals with poor floatability.
Copper is a harmful impurity in nickel smelting, and copper grade in copper-nickel ore has industrial recycling value. Therefore, copper-nickel separation technology is an important issue in copper-nickel ore beneficiation. The copper-nickel separation technology is divided into two types: copper-nickel mixed concentrate separation and high-ice nickel separation process. Usually, the former is used for ore of copper-nickel minerals having a relatively large particle size and not closely related to each other, and the latter is used for ore having a fine grain size and densely embedded with each other.
Copper Nickel Gold River large metal associated nickel copper sulfide. The beneficiation process of the first beneficiation plant mainly includes: crushing into three sections and one closed circuit process; grinding and flotation process is transformed into three sections of grinding and three stages of flotation.
At present, copper-nickel sulfide ore is mainly smelted by fire method. The Jinchuan Nickel Mine is no exception. The basic process is divided into materials (baking)—smelting-blowing-refining (electrolysis). Since the ore is a serpentine type ore, the copper-nickel minerals are densely embedded with each other, and it is difficult to directly separate the copper and nickel by mechanical beneficiation methods. Therefore, a high-ice nickel flotation separation technique is adopted. The copper-nickel mixed concentrate is smelted into high-ice nickel by a converter, then subjected to crushing and grinding processes, and finally electrolyzed into a final product, electrolytic nickel.
The Jilin gangue mine is also a copper-nickel mine. The ore processing process uses a three-stage closed-circuit crushing, stage grinding, copper-nickel mixing-separation flotation, nickel concentrate three-stage dewatering, and copper concentrate two-stage dewatering process.
Nickel oxide ore currently uses a process such as crushing and sieving to remove a large bedrock with a weak degree of weathering and a low nickel content. Since nickel in nickel oxide ore is often dispersed in gangue minerals with the same type of similarity, and the particle size is very fine, it cannot be enriched by mechanical beneficiation methods and can only be directly smelted.
The smelting and enriching method of nickel oxide ore can be divided into two major categories: fire method and wet method. The former can be divided into sulfur smelting, nickel iron method and granular iron method; the latter has reduction roasting - atmospheric ammonia leaching method, high pressure acid leaching method and the like.
Nickel oxide ore does not occupy an important position in China. At present, only the nickel oxide mines in Yunnan Mojiang Gold Plant and Yuanjiang Anding Area have certain reserves. The mine is designed to use sulfur smelting (reduction roasting) better than ammonia leaching. However, in general, the ore grade is low, magnesium is high (MgO 15% to 30%) refractory, fuel consumption is large, transportation is difficult, and it is difficult to put on the construction schedule.