Imitation and improvement of the original forming technology of automatic spiral gears for vehicles
Galvanized Welded Wire Mesh,Galvanized Wire Mesh,Galvanised Welded Mesh,Galvanized Welded Wire Mesh Rolls ANPING HAOYU METAL MESH CO.,LTD. ,
1 Process flow and process analysis The requirements of the active helical gear blank after forming. The hot extrusion process is: sawing and cutting; hot extrusion is formed once.
2CAE software selection The positive and negative extrusion die one-time forming process is more complicated, and must consider the influence of material properties, heating temperature, friction conditions and mold design. In this regard, this topic uses DEFORM-2D software to simulate forming. DEFORM-2D's powerful simulation engine analyzes the metal forming process and predicts the metal flow, temperature field, stress field, strain field and microstructure distribution and changes over time in the workpiece and mold. In this way, the simulation accuracy in the metal forming process can be ensured, so that the analysis model and the simulation environment are highly consistent with the actual production environment. These features of DEFORM-2D coincide with the requirements of the active shaft refining blank forming characteristics.
3 Numerical simulation The numerical simulation process is as follows: a. The problem has two boundary conditions. The axisymmetric boundary condition, that is, the node satisfying Y=0, the displacement along the Y direction is constrained; the flow of the metal can be constrained by the condition of displacement or the number of steps.
b. Modeling and meshing. This problem is a symmetry problem. It can be modeled by plane. The number of workpiece meshes is 20004000, and the grid with larger flow is smaller, which is more conducive to the actual molding process.
c. Contact definition. When doing the temperature field, the lubrication condition is oil lubrication, and the friction coefficient is 0.3.
d. Working conditions and operations. Set the dynamic die extrusion speed to 20mm/s, 0.63mm per step, and complete in 200 steps.
e. Establish a simulation model.
f. The time required for the simulation process is 7s.
4 Forming law Simulation molding In addition to the shape of the mold, it is also affected by factors such as temperature and friction. If the law under the coupling of these influencing factors is directly studied, it will be very complicated, but the research will not have a clear direction, and finally the shape will not be formed. law. Therefore, each factor is studied separately for the forming law, and then a set of parameter values ​​is determined according to the simulation result. Then design and simulate the forming process plan, and finally find an optimized design.
4.1 Temperature and temperature are an important factor in thermal processing. It not only directly affects the mechanical properties, microstructure and flow of the material, but also relates to energy consumption. Since the main technical index of the product is whether the mold is full, it is here. The main research is the effect of temperature on product formation. The extrusion force required to squeeze the full temperature is shown.
According to the data, as the temperature increases, the squeezing force gradually decreases, and the optimum temperature is selected to be greater than or equal to 1000.
4.2 Friction friction is an inevitable factor in the hot extrusion process, which has a great influence on material flow, extrusion force, die life and so on.
The curves for the different squeezing forces and the squeezing force required for the squeezing force are shown at 1100. It can be seen from the figure that the friction has a great influence on the forming of the material, so the optimal friction coefficient is less than or equal to 0.3.
5 Conclusion From the comparison of the above simulation results, we can conclude that: a. The product's deformation force decreases with the increase of temperature. On the 6300kN hydraulic press, the heating temperature is higher than 1100 and the friction coefficient is lower than 0.25.
b. The friction coefficient has a certain influence on the forming. Since the forming material is bidirectional flow, the friction phenomenon will form a stacking phenomenon when it becomes larger, which is unfavorable to the material flow and also affects the life of the mold.
c. Appropriate adjustment of the shape of the mold has a certain influence on the flow and the pressing force, and the appropriate adjustment can balance the force of the mold and improve the service life of the mold.
d. Using this process, only 7kg is required for the blanking, and the material is saved compared with the traditional 8.5kg.
e. Improve the ergonomics, the time required for the traditional process is more than 2min per piece, the new process only takes 30s, and the work efficiency is increased by 75.
Through multiple simulations, the appropriate values ​​were selected, and the coupling and temperature field calculations were performed to obtain satisfactory simulation results.