How to control the humidity and illuminance in the greenhouse

The development of modern vegetable facility cultivation began in the early 1980s. In order to solve the supply problem of vegetable baskets, the gap between prosperity and prosperity was alleviated, especially the problem of vegetable production and supply in the low-temperature season. From the traditional method of facility cultivation at that time, we vigorously researched and developed modern vegetable facilities cultivation, including plastic greenhouses and greenhouse cultivation. The role is to keep warm, shelter from rain, and shade. How to control the humidity and light in the greenhouse is important for greenhouse vegetable cultivation. Among them, we mainly use temperature and humidity recorders to measure various temperature and humidity conditions in greenhouses.
Humidity control: The air humidity in a greenhouse is usually relatively large. The relative humidity in the daytime is 70% to 90%, and it often reaches 100% at night and condenses into water droplets. Excessive humidity in the greenhouse not only affects the growth of crops, but also causes diseases. Therefore, the dehumidification work in the greenhouse is very important. We need to measure the humidity in the greenhouse whenever and wherever we can, using the field microclimate automatic observer. In the winter, it is mainly combined with ventilation and cooling. When the weather is fine, it is ventilated and discharged. Cover all the ground in the shed to cover all the places where there is no coverage (ditch), and cover with straw, chaff, etc. to minimize evaporation of soil moisture. The soil in the shed is filled with water, and plastic hoses are placed under the plastic film to spray irrigation. Conditional drip irrigation facilities are available. The spraying of insecticides in the shed should be done on a sunny day. Spraying should not be done on rainy days. If spraying is necessary, it is best to use fumigant and dust agent.
Illumination control: Increasing light under appropriate conditions generally enhances crop photosynthesis and increases crop yields, especially for hi-light crops. The light intensity in the plastic greenhouse is lower than the outside world. The main factor affecting the light intensity in the shed is the quality of the plastic shed film, as well as opaque objects (including scaffolds, laminating lines, brackets, etc.) in the shed. With a small-scale automatic weather station, you can understand how bright the light is in a greenhouse. The transmittance of the new shed film with good quality is generally above 85%. With the extension of the covering time, the shed film is aged and dust is accumulated, and the light transmittance is also reduced. If the film is heavily polluted and has poor quality, the light transmittance can be reduced to less than 50% after 2 years, so the general plastic film can only be used for 2 years. Humidity in the shed is relatively large and often forms water droplets on the ordinary shed film. Water droplets on the shed film also reduce the light transmittance of the shed film. Water droplets on the film can reduce the light transmission rate by 10% to 20%. The production is best done without drip film. At the same time, the presence of opaque objects in the shed should be reduced as much as possible. Shelving and laminating lines should not be excessively thick, and bamboo scaffolds supporting the crops should be replaced by plastic ropes (bundling), which not only reduces shading in the shed, but also improves high-crop crops. The light receiving angle.

LED Down Light

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P-n junction terminal voltage constitute a certain potential barrier, when the positive bias voltage drop time base, P and N the majority carrier diffusion to the other party.Due to the electron mobility is much bigger than hole mobility, so there will be a large number of electronic spreading P area, constitute of P area of minority carrier injection.These electrons and valence with hole composite, composite when the energy in the form of light energy to release out.This is the principle of PN junction glow.

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