Development trend of offshore pipe welding and cutting groove technology
EPT specialize in Rapid Vacuum Casting (also referred to as room temperature vulcanization/RTV) to create short run quantities of production-like parts at low cost to the customer. Rubber Like,Vacuum Rubber,Rubber Like Prototype,Vacuum Rubber Prototype Ningbo Expert Mould Plastic Co., Ltd. ,
Oil and gas pipeline construction needs to ensure that pipes with longer service life and higher reliability can be transported at higher pressures. Between 1980 and 2002, changes in steel content led to the development of pipeline types: X-45, X-50, X-65, X-70 and X-80; between 2003 and 2005, X-100 and X were being considered. -120 higher steel grade. The maximum pipe wall thickness has been increased from 25.4mm to 40mm.
2. Pipe welding process
Until the 1980s, all pipe welding processes were basically hand-welded, that is, welding by welders using electrodes or inert gases. At the end of the 1980s, semi-automatic and fully robotic automatic welding systems in the field of oil and gas pipelines have been recognized.
The laying of submarine pipelines is carried out on huge semi-submersible flat-bottomed pipe barges that are expensive and can work continuously for 24 hours. The reduction or increase of pipelaying time on pipelaying vessels means the gains and losses of profits, so offshore operations companies The most advanced, most complete and least expensive technology is preferred. Over the past five years, some of the world's leading marine pipeline companies have invested heavily in research and development of the most advanced and sophisticated welding systems, and the most important is to improve productivity per unit of time.
In order to technically innovate the welding system, it is required to have higher and higher precision in the preparation of the groove of the pipe to provide qualified welding results. Therefore, a semi-automatic or fully automatic welding system is used for the beveling operation to ensure that the uniformity of the circumference of the pipe is within the tolerance of ±0.13 mm. The robotized welding system can not only achieve the uniformity of the above-mentioned pipe groove, but also the tolerance is only within 1.6mm, and the groove straightness is within ±0.05mm, and the groove surface roughness can be achieved. Not more than 1.6mm.
Italy's Goriziane SPA has achieved satisfactory results in the development of its offshore pipeline automation welding system, in line with the X-80 steel grade pipe (wall thickness over 30mm) requirements for pipe groove preparation before welding. The company's pipe machine has been installed on the pipelaying vessels of some of the world's largest pipeline builders. Most importantly, the pipe machine must be able to meet the required tolerances during the specified working hours, maintain a uniform machine alignment, and avoid any inaccuracies, thickened ends, undulations. Or other work defects.
Vacuum casting offers a wide range of options for companies needing specific finishes,materials, or other features in their prototypes. We have the ability to simulate a full range of thermoplastics and elastomers, and we can also over-mold one
material over another to simulate, for example, rubber over ABS, or opaque plastic over transparent plastic. It is also possible to over-mold threaded inserts.
After casting, painting and printing is common, although polyurethane casted parts can be colored in the mold. EPT also specialize in producing high-gloss clear parts by using a CNC machined and polished acrylic master model. Polyurethane casted clear parts are very high quality.
We can create small and large urethane cast parts with production-like aesthetics and material properties for a range of applications, including medical and healthcare, military, automotive, electronics packaging, consumer products, and others.