Wuhan Wuhan Uses Spectral Technology to Realize Forest Soil Prediction

[China Instrument Network Instrument R&D] Recently, researchers at the Wuhan Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences established a forest soil spectral inversion prediction model using spectroscopy to achieve rapid prediction of high heterogeneity forest SOC and TN.

Quickly, cheaply and accurately obtaining information on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content in soil is the basis and premise for the current assessment of soil quality and management of the global soil carbon pool revenue and expenditure, and the spatial heterogeneity of soil has increased people’s The difficulty and cost of dynamic monitoring of soil properties.

Forest soil is an important basis for regulating the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems. The use of near-field hyperspectral remote sensing technology to achieve fast, efficient, non-destructive, and cost-effective modeling of multi-level forest soil C and N content is expected to open up new avenues for current research on soil C and N dynamics and mapping. Helping to deepen the understanding of the spatial heterogeneity of soil C and N and influencing factors is of great significance for the management and sustainable management of forest soil carbon pools. However, due to the influence of the soil layer, the prediction ability of the hyperspectral inversion model of soil properties is reduced, which limits the application of the model.

Jiang Qinghu, assistant researcher at the Wuhan Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under the guidance of researcher Liu Feng, used the soil of different layers in the mid-subtropics (Badaminggongshan) forest as an example to establish surface and subsurface soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen in the area using spectroscopic techniques. (TN) spectral inversion prediction model, so as to achieve rapid prediction of high heterogeneity forest SOC and TN. Among them, the R2 of the spectral model predicted by SOC is 0.79-0.90, and the R2 predicted by TN is 0.66-0.86. On the basis of this, it is difficult to implement the transferability between layers in the model. Using the spiking method and the weighted algorithm, this problem is solved successfully, and the transitivity of the predictive model is greatly improved. The development of this research provides potential for rapid acquisition of high heterogeneity soil property information.

The study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31270515, 31470526) and the National Key Basic Research Development Plan (2014CB954004). The results were based on the estimation of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in different soil layers using VNIR spectroscopy: Effects of spiking on model applicability. The question was published in Geoderma magazine.

(Original title: Wuhan Botanical Garden has made progress in remote sensing monitoring of soil carbon and nitrogen in subtropical forests)

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