Why more and more forging companies buy Electro hydraulic forging hammer or convert their belt drop hammer or air forging hammer to be electro hydraulic forging Hammer?
The advantage of
electro hydraulic forging hammer compare with Belt drop hammer is as follows:
1. Production of electro hydraulic closed forging
hammer is about 1.5 – 2 times of same size belt
drop hammer.
Hit frequency of
electro hydraulic closed die forging hammer full stroke is about 60
blow/minute, hit frequency of belt drop hammer full stroke is about 30
blow/minute, so the production of electro hydraulic closed die forging hammer
is much higher than the belt drop hammer, and it is almost 1.5 times- 2 times.
That is mean 1 set electro hydraulic closed die forging hammer equal to 1.5 set
or 2 sets belt drop hammers.
2. Reduce manpower
Electro hydraulic
closed die forging hammer controlled by foot pedal, one person can control the
pedal and handle the forgings at same time. Belt drop hammer is one person
control the handle, another person handle the forging, it need at least 2 people.
Also the production of 1 set electro hydraulic closed forging hammer is about
1.5-2 times of belt drop hammer, so 1 hammer equal to 1.5 set or 2 set belt drop
hammers, so it can reduce 2 people.
3. Forging Accuracy is higher, Forging quality is
Belt drop hammer
use [comb shape guide", one side guide clearance is about0.7mm-1mm, electro hydraulic closed die forging hammer use [ x shape guide [, one side guide clearance is about0.3mm,
so the top die and bottom die mismatch of electro hydraulic closed
forging hammer is much less, the forging accuracy is much higher, the forging
quality much better.
4. Hit energy is much bigger than same size belt drop
Hit energy of 1
ton electro hydraulic closed die forging hammer is 25kj, hit energy of 1 ton
belt drop hammer is about 18kj, so 1 ton electro hydraulic closed die forging
hammer is equal to 1.5 ton belt drop hammer. Hit energy of 2 ton electro
Hydraulic closed die forging hammer is 50kj, hit energy of 2 ton belt drop
hammer is about 35kj, so 2 ton electro hydraulic closed die forging hammer is
equal to 3 ton Belt drop hammer.
The advantage of
electro hydraulic forging hammer compare with steam hammer and Air compressor
hammer as follows:
1. Cost saving
Compare with Air
compressor Closed Die Forging Hammer and steam forging hammer, the biggest
advantage of Electro Hydraulic Forging Hammer is Electric Saving, it can save
about 40%-60%.
Normally 1 set 5
ton air compressor closed Die Forging Hammer need about 400kw motor power to
run the air compressor. 1 set 5 ton Electro Hydraulic Closed Die Forging Hammer
only need 220kw motor power, and on Electro Hydraulic Closed Die Forging Hammer
only when lift hammer ram need motor working, when hitting, no need motor
working, so the actual using power is 110kwh/h, and because there is
accumulator on electro hydraulic closed die forging hammer, so the final use
motor power is more less, so every hour working, the 5 ton Electro hydraulic
closed die forging hammer can save 290kwh/h, if the price of electricity is
US$0.1/kwh, so the cost is saving will be as following:
Cost saving per
hour: 290kwh x 0.1= US$29
Cost saving per
day (1 shift): US$29 x 8 = US$232
Cost saving per
month (25 days working) = US$5,800
Cost saving per
year (11 months) = US$63,800
Cost saving for 1
year (2 shift) =US$127,600
Cost saving for 1
year (3 shift) =US$191,400
You can collect
back the investment within 1 year by the cost saving if 3 shift working. If 2
shift working, you can collect back the investment within 1.6 year; If 1 shift
working, you can collect back the investment within 3 years.
2. No pollution and much less noise, good for
environment and workers` health
Just as we all
know, steam hammer need burn oil or coal to run the hammer, so the pollution is
very heavy. The noise of high pressure steam or high pressure compressed air is
very high. One hit, one cylinder of the steam or air will be released out with
dust, it produced the pollution and damage the workers` health. The oil of
Electro hydraulic forging hammer is circle flew in the oil pipe, no need burn
coal or oil, so no pollution and much less noise.
3. Space saving
On Electro
Hydraulic Forging Hammer, No boiler and air compressor station, only has small
hydraulic tank, so using area is much smaller, normally it can save 65% area
than the steam hammer and air compressor hammer that is mean if you use electro
hydraulic forging hammer you can put more hammers or more machines in your
4. Time saving
Start quickly and
saving energy greatly .On steam forging hammer or air compressor forging
hammer, if you want to start the hammer, you should burn the boiler or run the
air compressor long time, and if some problem happen on the hammer or on the
dies, the steam or compressed air you got will be wasted, on electro hydraulic
forging hammer, you can start the hammer within 2 minute. If any problems
happen on hammer or dies, you can turn off the motors, No waste.
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