White garnet (Leucite)

K [AlSi 2 O 6] corresponding to K [AlSi 3 O 8] (potassium feldspar) -SiO 2

[Chemical composition] contains trace amounts of Na, Ca and H 2 O.

[Crystal structure] tetragonal system, often a pseudo-equal crystal system; 360 screenshot 20170722101440309 a 0 = 1.304 nm, c 0 = 1.385 nm; Z = 16. When the temperature is above 605 ° C, it is converted into an equiaxed crystal variant (β-leucite), a 0 =1.343 nm.

[Form] The leucite crystals usually seen still retain the shape of the equiaxed crystal system (as a secondary image) (Fig. G-54), which is a complete tetragonal octahedron {211}, sometimes {100} and { 110} the shape of the poly. The joint surface of the polycrystalline twin crystal is (110), and the twin crystal stripes are sometimes seen on the crystal surface. Often in the form of granular aggregates.

Picture 55

Figure G-54 white garnet crystal

[Physical properties] often white, gray or furnace gray, sometimes with a pale yellow tone; streaks are colorless or white; transparent; glass luster. No cleavage, the fracture is greased. Hardness 5.5 to 6. The relative density is 2.4 to 2.50.

[Cause and occurrence] Produced in some of the potassium-rich and silicon-poor effluent rocks and superficial diagenes, usually appear as phenocrysts. The leucite is often symbiotic with alkaline pyroxene and nepheline, and is not normally symbiotic with quartz because when it is formed, potassium feldspar will form if excess SiO 2 is present.

[Identification characteristics] can be used as an identification feature with its complete tetragonal, triangular shape, ash-like color and its origin.

[Main use] It can be used as a raw material for extracting potassium and aluminum .

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