What are the RV camping needs to pay attention to?
Although it is a very pleasant thing to drive an RV to camp, it is necessary to do a good job of preparation before setting off. This will not affect the progress of the camping and ensure the perfect type of journey. Therefore, it is necessary to drive the RV before camping. Pay attention to some considerations: 1. The RV must go camping before it gets dark. You can decide on some of the types of your camp according to your own preferences, whether you are sleeping in a RV or a tent. If you want to experience some different feelings, you can choose to prepare a tent before camping, and tents are the basic things you should prepare for the most during camping. If you have proper preparation, it is actually a matter of sleeping in tents. comfortable. When buying a tent, ask a professional sales person in the store for some tent types that suit your needs. Then when choosing a tent, it is not necessarily that the larger the tent is, the more spacious it is the best. After all, this is something that needs to be brought to the camp, and it cannot increase the load of the RV. After you have bought your tent, you need to try it out at home and carefully check if there is a quality problem. This will not lead to unnecessary troubles when you are camping happily, and you should prepare more columns for tents. It is also best that if the column is damaged, it can be replaced in time. In the evening, you should open the tent window a little or all open, to prevent the temperature inside the tent is too humid, it is necessary for colleagues to prepare a bath towel, so that it can be paved in the rain Keep a dry environment on the ground. 2, although in the RV will be more comfortable, but most people go out to camp in order to experience life, so in addition to tents, you can also choose to use sleeping bags as a rest tool. However, when choosing a sleeping bag, it must be appropriate to choose the current season. If the temperature is relatively warm season, then it is suitable to choose some light and simple sleeping bags. If it is in winter, you need to choose a warm sleeping bag that has a good low temperature resistance. It is also possible to select a sleeping bag that can be used at any temperature, and can guarantee the degree of warmth and comfort. If you are going to spend the night in your tent, then it is best to choose a sleeping bag in the shape of a mummy, so that you can wrap your feet and effectively keep your body temperature. Such a sleeping bag is also more portable. 3, camping without food and drink is not a complete camp, in the way and rest on the way always need to add energy, and the food should be brought with it. If you have a small number of your own team, you can prepare some fast-moving cereal instead of preparing plastic bags for food. You can use chillers in your RV to store some of the more perishable foods, so that you can guarantee that there will be no deterioration.
In order to facilitate inlaying of embedded finned tubes, there should be a certain side clearance between the steel strip and the spiral groove. If the side clearance is too small and interference is formed, it will be difficult for the mosaic process to proceed smoothly.
The inlaid spiral finned tube is to pre-process the spiral groove of a certain width and depth on the steel pipe, and then inlay the steel strip on the steel pipe on the lathe. During the winding process, due to a certain pre-tightening force, the finned tube steel strip will be tightly clamped in the spiral groove, thus ensuring a certain contact area between the steel strip and the steel tube.
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