The contour curve of the area of ​​the oil pressure zone should extract the contour curve of the area of ​​the pressure oil zone

The gear pump model with the rotation angle will rotate the gears in each gear pump model one by one from the beginning to the end (the rotation direction of the gears in the gear pump model is opposite) to simulate the different moments of a pair of gears. status. The entity extracts the geometric model of the gear pump that has been rotated through different angles. Using the boundary command under AutoCAD2000, the contour curve of the oil absorption zone is formed into an independent entity (polyline) and translated out to calculate the area of ​​the oil suction zone.
The area calculation uses the Object option of the Area command to find the area enclosed by the contour curve of the oil-absorbing area translated above, and then stores the angle value of this moment together with the area value sought. The calculation method of calculating the area of ​​the pressure oil zone is basically the same as the calculation method of the area of ​​the oil absorption zone. The difference is only the contour curve of the area of ​​the pressure oil zone when the solid contour curve of the oil zone is extracted. The calculation method of the area of ​​the trapped oil area is different from the calculation method of the above two areas. Here, the structural characteristics of the air-cooled Roots pump gear pump, that is, the symmetry of the structure, are fully utilized.
Due to the existence of symmetry, there is a geometric feature in the operation of the gear pump: in this geometric relationship, the area in the first bracket item is determined by the structure of the gear pump, and for a certain gear pump it is a certain constant value; in the second bracket item, the area of ​​the gear is a constant known value, and the area sum of the oil absorption zone and the pressure oil zone has been determined in the front. Therefore, the geometrical equation can be used to calculate the oil trap zone. Area.

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Xuzhou Hengshang Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd. ,