Submersible pump how to protect

Submersible pumps often cause the motor windings to burn out as a result of water in the pool. In view of this situation, today for you to sort out several submersible pump protection measures: water protection, electrical leakage protection, oil chamber leakage protection, insulation resistance protection, winding overheating protection, bearing overheating protection.

1, prohibit the power supply voltage abnormal boot

As the low-voltage power supply line is longer, the end of the line voltage is too low. When the phase voltage is lower than 198 volts, the line voltage is lower than 342 volts, the submersible pump motor speed drops, when less than 70% of the rated speed, start the centrifugal switch will be closed, resulting in a long time winding start energized or even burn out Windings and capacitors. In contrast, overvoltages cause the motor to overheat and burn the windings. Therefore, the submersible pump operation, the operator must always observe the power supply voltage value, if less than 10% of the rated voltage below 10% above the rated voltage, the motor should be stopped to find out the cause and troubleshooting.

2, confirm the correct direction of motor rotation

There are many types of high-lift submersible pump forward and reverse when the water can be found, but when reversing the small amount of water, the current is large, the reversal of a long time will damage the motor windings.

3, cable installation and submersible pump insulation resistance requirements

When installing submersible pump, the cable should be overhead, the power cord should not be too long. Submersible pump into the water or made when not to force the cable, so as not to cause the power cord rupture. Submersible pumps do not sink into the mud during work, otherwise it will lead to poor motor cooling and burn motor windings. When installed, the insulation resistance of the motor should not be less than 0.5 megohms.

4, to avoid frequent switching

Do not switch submersible pumps frequently, this is because the pump will stop when the flow back, if immediately start, the motor load will start, causing the starting current is too large and burn the winding. As the start-up current, frequent start-up will also burn the submersible pump motor windings.

5, leakage protection installation

Leakage protection is also called lifeguard, its role from lifeguard these three words can be understood. Because the submersible pump works underwater, it is easy to cause electric leakage due to leakage and even cause electric shock accident. If equipped with leakage protector, as long as the leakage current of the submersible pump exceeds the operating current of the earth leakage protector (usually not more than 30mA), the earth leakage protector will cut off the power of the submersible pump to ensure safety and avoid electric leakage and waste of energy.

6, prohibit long-term overload submersible pump work

In order to avoid long-term overload work of submersible pumps, do not pump large amounts of water and observe whether the current value is on the nameplate. If it is found that the current is too large, it should be shut down for inspection. In addition, the pump running time dehydration should not be too long, so as not to overheat the motor and burned.

7, pay attention to routine maintenance

Usually more than check the motor, found under the crack, the rubber seal ring damage or failure, etc., should be promptly replaced or repaired to prevent water penetration into the machine.

8, try to avoid starting at low pressure

When the voltage is too low, the motor speed will drop. If it is less than 70% of the rated speed, the centrifugal switch will be closed and the starting winding will be closed Power for a long time to heat or even burn the windings and capacitors. Do not switch the motor on and off frequently. This is because the pump will run back when it stops. If it is turned on immediately, the motor will start to load, causing the starting current to be too large to burn the winding.

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