Steam trap thermal condensate discharge test method

Steam trap test conditions

The determination of the thermal condensate discharge capacity of each steam trap should be representatively selected within the working pressure range and performed at a given degree of subcooling.

Each pressure point is tested at least 3 times and the test results are averaged. The deviation of each measurement from the average value must not exceed 10% .

When reading the data formally, the pressure fluctuation before the tested trap should not exceed ± 1.5% ; the temperature fluctuation value must not exceed ± 3 °C.

Test device

Steam trap hot condensate displacement testing device


All hot lines and equipment in the installation should be kept warm.

High-pressure tank volume is not less than 2 m3 .

Measuring tank volume not less than 0.2m3

High pressure tanks should have silencing devices.

The distance between the steam trap to be measured and the temperature measurement point at the inlet shall not exceed 10 times the pipe diameter (maximum distance shall not exceed 250mm)

The distance from the measured steam trap to the pressure point at the inlet shall not exceed 20 times the pipe diameter (maximum distance shall not exceed 300mm)


All instruments should be calibrated before use. The accuracy of each unit should be no less than 0.5, and the periodic inspections should be carried out according to relevant regulations.

The temperature and pressure of the inlet end of the tested trap should be measured by two systems.

Pressure, temperature measurement terminal display instrument resolution is not greater than the maximum range of 1%, the system error is not more than 7%.

The resolving power of the chronograph is not more than 0.1S, and the accuracy is not less than 0.2% of the measured time.

Pound class accuracy is not less than 0.5, resolution is not more than 0.2kg

The high pressure tank water level gauge is calibrated with the weight of water at 20°C±3°C, with a calibration accuracy of 1.5%.

Test procedure

All valves are closed before the test

Open the valve 1, valve 2, and close the valve 1 when filling the high pressure tank to a predetermined height.

Open the valve 4, and then start the decompression system, so that the temperature of the water in the high-pressure tank slowly rises. After the air in the tank is removed, the valve 2 is closed.

When the temperature and pressure of the water in the high-pressure tank reaches a predetermined value, the valves 3 and 4 are adjusted so that the pressure and the temperature are kept stable.

Open valve 5, valve 9, preheat the test line and the trap being tested. Monitor and adjust the entire system so that the inlet end of the steam trap under test obtains the required temperature and pressure and remains stable.

Fill the metering tank with a proper amount of cold water and weigh the initial weight of water g.

When all the conditions are met, the valve 9 is quickly closed and the valve 10 is opened.

Record the following data;

The start and end pressure of the inlet end of the tested trap

Start and end temperatures of the inlet end of the tested trap

One of the following two items

High and low pressure tank start and stop levels

The quality of the start and end of the metering tank plus water

The duration of the test is generally greater than 60 s, and the large displacement is not less than 30 s.

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