Iron molybdenum [Fe 2 (MoO 4 ) 3 ·7.5H 2 O] is a molybdenite oxidation product. In the ore-forming conditions, the molybdenum ore is oxidized and leached to form a MoO 2 ·SO 4 complex with the medium. When it meets the soluble iron salt and there is no calcite in the medium, the following reaction occurs to form an iron-molybdenum precipitate:
6MoO 2 ·SO 4 +2Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 +27H 2 O â†â†’ 2Fe 2 (MoO 4 ) 3 ·7.5H 2 O+12H 2 SO 4
6MoO 2 ·SO 4 +4Fe(OH) 3 +15H 2 O â†â†’ 2Fe 2 (MoO 4 ) 3 ·7.5H 2 O+6H 2 SO 4
The chemical composition of iron-molybdenum varies with the ore-forming environment. In the former Soviet Solsk Molybdenum Mine, the ratio of Fe 2 O 3 to MoO 3 in iron-molybdenum varies from 1:3.8 to 1:4.6.
Iron-molybdenum is often deposited in leached fissures and cavities. In a large number of enriched areas (in the oxidized zone of Luanchuan, Claymax, Solsk and other molybdenum deposits), iron-molybdenum has certain industrial value. .
Iron-molybdenum ore flotation is a very complicated problem.
Among the ores, iron-molybdenum is closely related to limonite and iron meteorite, and is micronized. Klemax's molybdenum oxide is mainly associated with goethite, followed by jarosite. These minerals are brittle, easy to mud in the grinding, and the particle size is extremely fine. The distribution of different particle sizes of the Moorish molybdenum ore is shown in the figure below.
Figure Solsk various grades of molybdenum
Therefore, it is more difficult to select iron-molybdenum ore than molybdenum-calcium ore. The rich ore ratio is smaller, and only low-grade medium ore can be produced, and molybdenum products can be prepared by leaching-extraction process.
Chinese FeMo flotation is soda (of Na2CO3) medium with oleic acid as collector sorting for recovery of molybdenum sulfide, coal oils also add simultaneously.
Former Soviet Union Science Institute索尔库茨克rare metal branch proposes sorting Saul Trask molybdenum oxide process: 6000g / t soda, 1500g / t oleic acid, 1500g / t kerosene, 100g / t pine oil, by One rough selection and one election, the results are listed in the table below.
Table Solsk flotation molybdenum oxide results
Raw ore grade (%) | Concentrate | Tailings grade (%) |
Yield(%) | grade(%) | Recovery rate(%) |
0.048 | 20 | 0.17 | 71 | 0.017 |
The amount of oleic acid (1500g/t) and the price are very high, so Г·A·Haro and A·Й Zarahani recommend the use of oxidized paraffin as an oleic acid substitute and can be applied in Solsk.
In the industrial test, soda (2200~3000g/t), oxidized paraffin soap (2000~3000g/t) and kerosene (1500~2250g/t) were added by rough selection, sweeping and two selection processes. For the ore containing oxidized molybdenum grade ≥0.045%, a molybdenum intermediate ore with a recovery of 65%-80%, containing 0.32%-0.52% of total molybdenum and 0.3%-0.5% of oxidized molybdenum may be obtained. For the selected ore containing oxidized molybdenum grade <0.045%, a recovery of 51% to 61%, containing 0.22% to 0.28% of total molybdenum, or 0.21% to 0.27% of oxidized molybdenum may be obtained.
Because iron-molybdenum is easy to be muddy and difficult to select, the rich ore ratio of flotation is very low, and the flotation product must be processed by leaching-extraction process.
For the locally enriched iron-molybdenum ore-rich ore in the molybdenite deposit, separate mining and direct leaching-extraction may be considered. Claymax is directly leaching the production of chemicals from the oxidized molybdenum ore in the deposit. The Sandaotun molybdenum deposit in Luanchuan also has local iron-rich molybdenum output, which is yet to be researched and developed.Ceramic 3D Printer
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