RFID can improve the safety and productivity of glass factory employees

[China Glass Network] Asahi Glass Co. Branch AGC Flat Glass Europe employs 10,600 people and has annual sales of US$2.5 billion. The company now uses RFID systems in the Moustier area of ​​Belgium to ensure the safety of workers. Operate the crane to pack large pieces of glass.

Eric Deneye, head of the AGCFlatGlassEuropeIT project, said at the RFIDJurnalLIVE!Europe conference last month that the RFID system provides real-time location information for four large forklift trucks in the packaging area. The RFID system is installed in a rebuilt area of ​​the factory where the robotic operating crane packs large glass measuring 300 cm by 321 cm.

When the glass is produced, they are placed on a so-called "placement table" - a four-legged plate with a row of rails a few meters high. There are approximately 1000 placement table mounting labels, one for each of the two front leg frames of each placement table. Both tags have the same ID code.

The forklift driver must send the placement table to the packaging area, through which an access door (a total of 12) is installed, and each door is equipped with an RFID reader antenna. The driver instructs to open the door on the on-board computer. When the forklift passes the door, the RFID tag reads the placement table label and updates the position of the forklift in the system.

In the packaging area, the employee places the placing table in the designated row, and installs a pair of small rows of small railings on the floor of the glass packaging area to fix the placing table. Later, the machine steered the crane to start packaging the glass.

Since the RFID reader can identify the placement table that enters the packaging area, the worker does not have to get off the vehicle to scan the bar code label of the placement table. In other areas of the factory, employees must climb down the forklift to read the bar code, and sometimes they slip and sprain their ankles.

After installing the RFID system, the crane will stop working when the forklift is in a certain row in the packaging room. When the forklift driver exits the area, he presses a button to open the door. When the forklift leaves the packaging area, he presses another button to close the door. Once the door is closed again, the crane picks up the glass panel again and wraps it in plastic and wood.

The RFID system helps managers ensure that no one is in the crane's work area. Since the reader automatically recognizes the label on the forklift, the system knows where the forklift is in the package and stops the crane working there.

The system was implemented in 2006 and the project selected the EPCGen1 RFID tag with an operating frequency of 870MHz. At that time, the label test results were satisfactory and the price was reasonable. The system uses about four readers from CAENRFID, and IBM provides system integration services.

The project encountered challenges including the metal environment of the factory, judging the proper mounting location of the tag and reader antenna to ensure a satisfactory read rate. The ability of the system to read the label depends on the position of the truck and the location of the label on the table.

He said, "After each tag is successfully read, the user will be notified so that they can manually enter the data if necessary."

According to Deneye, the cost of the project is not high and the return on investment is achieved within two years. The company is currently considering the introduction of RFID into production because the same placement is used in production.

“We are considering further expanding the RFID project,” Denye said, but we need to find new application opportunities and reasonable returns. ”

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