Reasons for forest fire protection and lightning protection
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Lightning is often accompanied by strong precipitation. If the rainfall and rainfall intensity reaches a certain level, the fire source caused by the lightning strike will automatically extinguish and no forest fire will occur. However, in warm and dry weather conditions, precipitation cannot reach the ground, or only a small part of the rainwater reaches the ground. When the rainfall is too low, the fire source cannot be extinguished. At this time, the fire caused by lightning strikes will spread. The probability of a fire caused by a lightning strike is related to the meteorological conditions (such as temperature, temperature, and wind speed) where the lightning occurred, and the vegetation status (distribution of fuel, size, and moisture content, etc.).
The reasons for forest fire and lightning protection are as follows: when lightning strikes or when lightning strikes is accompanied by precipitation, the possibility of fire spreading has an important relationship with rainfall and rainfall intensity. Lightning caused by forest fires is seasonal in certain areas. For example, Daxinganling forest area is mostly from mid-April to mid-July. In the area south of Yichun, from late May to early June, lightning strikes occurred in the northern part of the mountain in late June. It is usually more in the afternoon and less in the morning. The higher the latitude, the more lightning strikes occur. The number of lightning strikes in forests in southern China is far less than in northern forest areas.
The prevention of lightning strikes in areas that are particularly prone to lightning strikes can artificially eliminate cloud lightning and fundamentally eliminate lightning strikes.
At present, the following methods are used: First, the use of jet aircraft for large-angle landings to produce towing downdrafts can dissipate the clouds or reduce the top of the clouds, or spread solids such as clay and salt in the cloud top to cause subsidence and produce precipitation; Destruction of the thunderstorm cloud's electrification mechanism, the use of aircraft to broadcast silver iodide, so that thunderstorm cloud electrolysis mechanism has been destroyed; Third, eliminate or reduce the charge center in the cloud, inhibit the occurrence of lightning, such as dissemination of wire and other conductive materials, Decreasing or neutralizing the charge center in the cloud will reduce the electric field in the cloud and eliminate lightning. High-speed moving objects can also be used to induce lightning in the cloud and destroy the lightning mechanism of the thunder cloud. If a small rocket with a long wire tail is launched from the ground facing the cloud to induce lightning in the cloud, the cloud lightning can be eliminated, thereby avoiding lightning strikes in the forest. Eliminating lightning can completely eliminate lightning strikes, but its cost is high, such as the aircraft disturbing thunderclouds, small rockets causing cloud lightning and so on. At present, the control of thunder and fire in various countries around the world is based on the use of fire and timely and effective save. Therefore, the forecasting and forecasting of lightning strikes is one of the major measures for lightning protection and disaster reduction. Reasons for forest fire protection and lightning protection