Quick Nozzle Modeling for 3D Barrel Compression Simulation in Moldex3D Studio
In the molding analysis, the simulation inside the barrel will affect the melt conditions when it enters the cavity, and further impact the whole injection molding process simulation. To better describe the melt behaviors such as compression inside the barrel, it is necessary to have good model construction of the injection units. The injection units, including nozzles and screws, can have complicated and diverse designs, so how to achieve both high-quality modeling and development efficiency is a critical issue. To eliminate the gap between simulation and on-site conditions and improve the accuracy injection pressure prediction, Moldex3D has included the dynamic simulation at the filling and packing stages inside the barrel. Moreover, Moldex3D 2021 further provides the Nozzle Zone Wizard feature for users to easily create a true nozzle type, making analysis more accurate and reducing the loading in pre-processing. Limitation Step 1:Model Preparation Note: (1)   If users want to edit the nozzle zone type after the setting, remove the nozzle zone model and reset with the wizard again. If users just want to modify the nozzle zone dimension, make sure it is continuous at the junctions of each segment. The cross-sectional dimensions of the runner should be larger than the Nozzle Zone. (2)   When a nozzle zone is connected to the runner, the default moldbase is attached to the junction of the nozzle zone and the runner. A nozzle type’s ring-shaped solid mesh will then be automatically generated (the models with mold base and mold plates components are both supported). Step 2:Analysis Settings Step 3: result interpretation Vacuum rake dryer is mainly used for drying explosive, easily oxidized and paste materials. Under vacuum conditions, the boiling point of the solvent is reduced, and the air is isolated, so it avoids oxidation, overheating and deterioration of material during the drying process. The heating medium (hot water, heat transfer oil or steam) is introduced into the jacket. A certain amount of wet materials are added into the drying chamber. The rake shaft stirs the materials to heat them evenly. After the materials meet the drying requirements, open the discharge valve at the lower part of the drying chamber to allow the materials to move to the middle under the stirring of the rake shaft for discharging. Vacuum Rake Dryer,Vacuum Harrow Dryer,Rake Vacuum Dryer,Explosion-Proof Vacuum Drying Machine Changzhou Lead Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.leaddryer.com
Ben Lai, Engineer at Technical Support Team, Moldex3D
Flow rate changes caused by the screw compression
The Operation Processes
Melt Front Time
Particle Tracking
Fiber Orientation (Clipping)