Plant Resistance to Lodging Tester Promotes Breeding and Development of High Stem Intensity Wheat Quality

As far as wheat cultivation is concerned, the high yield of wheat is related to lodging. Many wheat-producing areas have fallen into low-yield plots and low-yielding varieties due to the lodging of wheat, high-yield plots or high-yielding varieties, which have caused serious losses in wheat production. In order to solve the problem of wheat lodging, it is impossible to blindly reduce the height of wheat. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen and increase the strength of wheat stalks and cultivate high-yield wheat varieties with strong lodging resistance. The application of the Plant Resistance Lodging Tester provides a scientific and effective detection method for the selection of wheat breeding samples, which makes the selection of wheat samples more reasonable and helps to promote the breeding and development of high stalk strength wheat quality.

Plant resistance tester

To cultivate and develop wheat varieties with strong lodging resistance, it is necessary to select the varieties with high stalk strength among a large number of wheat samples for testing, while the traditional method for identifying wheat stem stalk strength is mainly through sensory perception. The usual practice is to Use one hand to hold the tassels with your fingers and the other hand to go to the internodes under the ear and forcefully turn it clockwise. Then feel the elasticity and strength of the wheat stem. However, in practice, there is no reference standard for the numerical results. Therefore, in order to improve the accuracy of scientific breeding and improve the efficiency of breeding, Topsun Yunnong introduced a plant resistance tester that can quantitatively detect the stem stalk strength of wheat and other stem crops.

The principle of the Plant Resistance Lodging Tester is to use a pull pressure sensor and apply pressure downwards until the stem breaks momentarily to generate pressure and digitally display it with the instrument. The use of plant resistance testers to determine the stalk strength of wheat and other crops is actually testing the wheat's resistance to stress. This detection method can yield specific test results that are more scientific than the traditional sensory experience and therefore apply it. For agricultural genetics and breeding, it will certainly help and promote the breeding and development of high stalk strength wheat quality, and find the best solution for the problem of wheat lodging.

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