Method for flotation of zinc oxide ore

1. Zinc oxide mineral
Zinc ore ZnSO 3 , containing 52% Zn, can be harvested with high-grade xanthate or fatty acid. Sodium sulfide is commonly used in industrial production and then harvested with xanthate or amine salts.
Hemimorphite 2Zn · SiO 2 · H 2 O , containing Zn54%, after vulcanization xanthate flotation, flotation or amine salts, sulfuric acid plus copper has activation. The suitable pH for vulcanization is 6.9-9.2, and the heating promotes the flotation of the heteropolar ore.
2. Flotation method of zinc oxide ore
Flotation with xanthate or amine after vulcanization is the main method currently used.
(1) Yellow medicine flotation method after heating and vulcanization. This method first demineralizes the ore. The slurry is then warmed to 50-60 ° C, and vulcanized with sodium sulfide, followed by high-grade xanthate and black medicine for flotation. If the vulcanization is carried out at room temperature, the vulcanized film is not strong and the flotation effect is poor. When vulcanized at low temperature, it is easy to form a colloidal precipitate. Conversely, the higher the vulcanization temperature, the stronger the vulcanization film formed, the less precipitate formed in the slurry, and the faster the vulcanization rate. The concentration of sodium sulfide in the slurry is also an important process factor in vulcanization. The pulp sludge, iron oxide, manganese oxide, sodium sulfide is consumed, and reduce the quality of the concentrate, and should therefore be removed in advance.
(2) Ammonia flotation after first vulcanization. This method is applicable to the flotation of zinc carbonates, silicates and other zinc-containing oxidized minerals. Amine collector advantage is that, in an alkaline medium, no significant effect on the collector quartz, alkaline earth metal carbonate. When an amine is used as a collector, the remaining sodium sulfide does not have an inhibitory effect, but instead activates the zinc oxide mineral. Primary amines have a strong ability to capture zinc oxide, especially primary amines with 12 to 18 carbon atoms, especially secondary and tertiary amines.
The amount of zinc oxide float used varies with the type of ore, but the following doses are generally available:
Floating zinc oxide ore: sodium sulfide 6 ~ 12kg / t primary amine 100 ~ 60g / t
Floating mixed zinc ore: sodium sulfide 1 ~ 3kg / t primary amine 50 ~ 100g / t
With this method, the general concentrate grade can reach 40% to 45%, and the recovery rate can reach 50% to 90%.

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