July 3 Hangzhou steel market price quotes

Product Name Specification Material Steel Factory/Origin Price (Yuan/Ton) Yesterday Last Week Last Month Remarks General Line Φ6.5mm Q235 Xifeng 5600 50 50 -300 Goods Less General Line Φ6.5mm Q235 Huaxinrui 5600 50 50 5010 High Line Φ6.5mm Q235 Yong Steel 5800 20 0 -400 High Line Φ6.5mm Q235 Ma Steel 5800 20 20 -400 High Line Φ6.5mm Q335 Sanming 5800 20 20 -400 High Line Φ6.5mm Q335 Haixin 5800 20 20 -400 High Line Φ8mm Q335 Ping Steel 5800 20 20 -400 High Line Φ8mm Q335 Jiyuan 5800 20 20 -400 Rebar Φ10mm HRB335 Sha Steel 5630 0 100 -250 Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Sha Steel 5500 0 100 -270 Rebar Φ14mm HRB335 Sha Steel 5480 0 100 - 270 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Sha Steel 5480 0 100 -270 Rebar Φ10mm HRB335 Sanyuan 5310 30 80 -190 Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Pinggang 5450 0 150 -170 Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Yonggang 5480 0 80 -250 Rebar Φ16- 25mm HRB335 Yong Steel 5450 0 100 -250 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Ma Steel 5480 0 100 -270 Less Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Ping Steel 5250 50 110 -300 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Jiyuan 5230 30 100 -320 Thread Steel Φ18-25mm HRB335 E steel 5230 30 100 -320 snail Steel Φ16-25mm HRB335 Laiwu Steel 5230 30 100 -320 25mm: Out of stock rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Xiwang/Yinfeng 5200 20 80 -320 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Jigang Wuyuan 5030 30 110 -220 25mm: 5100 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Jiangsu Hongtai 5030 30 110 -220 25mm:5100 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Fuxin 5030 30 110 -220 25mm:5100 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Zhongtian 5230 30 110 -370 25mm:5200 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Jigang 5480 0 100 -220 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Xicheng 5230 30 100 -320 10mm:5550/12mm:5450 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Nanchang 5230 30 100 -320 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Haixin 5230 30 100 -320 Grade III Rebar Φ12mm HRB400 Masteel 5580 0 30 -270 Less Class III Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB400 Ma Steel 5480 0 60 -270 28/32mm:5700 Grade III Rebar Φ18-Φ25mm HRB400 Pinggang 5450 0 50 -300 25/22mm:5700 Grade III Rebar Φ18-Φ22mm HRB400 Yong Steel 5610 0 30 -190 25mm:5800 Level III Rebar Φ16-Φ25mm HRB400 Jinan Steel 5530 0 50 -270 25mm:5700 Hot Rolling Volume 2.75mm*1250*C Q235 邯/Bag/Shandong Steel 6050 0 0 30 Hot Roll 3.0mm*1500*C Q235 Angang 5980 0 0 30 Rolls 4.75mm*1500*C Q235 Angang 5900 0 70 -30 Hot Roll 5.5mm*1500*C Q235 Sha Steel 5900 0 70 -20 Hot Roll 7.5mm*1500*C Q235 Sha Steel 5890 0 70 -10 Hot Roll 9.5mm*1500*C Q235 Shagang 5890 0 70 -10 Hot rolled coil 11.5*1500*C Q235 Shagang 5890 0 70 -10 Strip 2.75*150 DF01 Nangang 6000 20 20 -80 Strip 2.75*180 DF01 Nangang 6000 20 20 -80 Strip 2.5*183 Q195L Tangshan Jianlong 5760 30 30 -160 Strip 2.5*355 Q195L Jilin Jianlong 5780 30 30 -160 Strip 2.5*183 Q195 Tangshan Guofeng 5760 30 30 -160 Strip 2.5* 160 Q235 Tangshan Guofeng 5760 30 30 -160 Strip 3.5*273 Q235 Tangshan Guofeng 5780 30 30 -140 Strip 2.5*232 Q235 Tangshan Guofeng 5780 30 30 -140 Strip 3.0*350 HG5 Hangang 6000 20 20 - 80 Steel Strip 3.0*200 HG5 Hangang Steel 6000 20 20 -80 Cold Rolled Sheet 1.0mm*1250*2500 SPCC Angang 7350 0 0 50 Cold Rolled Sheet 1.0mm*1250*2500 ST12 Bengang 7180 0 -100 -70 Cold Rolled Sheet 1.0mm*1250*2500 ST12/DC01 Wuhan Iron & Steel Corporation 7230 0 -20 0 Cold rolled steel plate 1.5mm*1250*2500 ST12/DC01 Wuhan Iron & Steel Corporation 7230 0 -20 0 Cold rolled steel coil 1.0mm*1250*C SPCC Masteel 7200 0 -50 - 30 Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*C SPCC Handan Steel 7100 0 -100 - 80 Cold Roll 1.5mm*1500*C ST12 Handan Steel 7100 0 -20 -80 Puzhong Plate 20mm Q235B Xicheng 6100 0 -20 -170 Puzhong Plate 8mm Q235A New/Magang Steel 7200 0 -50 0 Puzhong Plate 10mm Q235A New / Maanshan Steel 6920 0 -30 70 Puzhong Plate 16-20mm Q235A New / Magang 6580 -40 -120 -70 Low Alloy Plate 8mm Q345 New Steel 7380 0 0 30 Low Alloy Plate 10mm Q345 New Steel 7150 0 0 0 Low Alloy plate 20mm Q345 New steel 6900 0 0 20 Boiler plate 8mm 20g Xinyu 7890 0 50 270 Boiler plate 10mm 20g Xinyu 7690 0 50 270 Boiler plate 14-25 20g Xinyu 7420 0 50 270 Container plate 8mm 16MnR Xinyu 7940 0 50 270 Container plate 10mm 16MnR Xinyu 7740 0 50 270 Container plate 12mm 16MnR Nangang/Xinyu 7490 0 160 290 Container plate 14-25mm 16MnR Nangang/Xinyu 7470 0 50 270 Seamless pipe 133*4.5 20# Hongdu 7900 0 0 600 seamless pipe 168*8 20# Angang 7900 0 0 600 seamless pipe 219*6 20# Zhenda 8000 0 0 350 seamless pipe 273*7 20# Chenggang 8100 0 0 350 I-beam 36#/b Q235 Laiwu Steel 5950 0 0 0 I-beam 40#/b Q235 Laysteel 5950 0 0 0 Channel 16#a Q235 Masteel 5630 0 0 0 Channel 20# Q235 Masteel 5650 0 0 0 Angle steel 50*50*5mm Q235 Tonggang 5700 0 0 0 angle 50*50*5mm Q235 Masteel 5700 0 0 0 Galvanized coil 0.6mm*1000*C ST02Z Bengang 7900 0 0 450 Galvanized coil 0.7mm*1250*C ST02Z Bensteel 7850 0 0 450 Galvanized coil 0.8mm* 1000*C ST02Z Angang 7780 0 0 400 Galvanized coil 1.0mm*1250*C ST02Z Angang 7800 0 0 450 Galvanized coil 0.5mm*1250*C DC51D+Z Masteel 8200 0 0 500 Galvanized coil 1.0mm*1250* C DC51D+Z Ma Steel 7900 0 0 450 Color Coil 0.40mm*1000*C SGCC Yellowstone Dongshan 8600 0 0 0 Color Coil 0.45mm*1000*C SGCC Yellowstone Dongshan 9400 0 0 0 Color Coil 0.50mm*1000* C SGCC Huangshi Dongshan 9150 0 0 0 c

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