Iron ore characteristics and prospecting methods
Iron is found the world's oldest, most extensive use, the amount is at most a metal, its consumption accounts for about 95% of the total consumption of the metal. Iron ore is mainly used in the iron and steel industry to smelt pig iron with different carbon content (the carbon content is generally above 2%) and steel (the carbon content is generally below 2%). I. Distribution of iron ore Iron ore [tiÄ›kuà ng] 1. [iron ore]: a rock or sediment containing a compound that extracts iron. 2.[iron mine]: iron mine or iron mine Pig iron is usually divided into steelmaking pig iron, foundry pig iron and alloy pig iron according to the use. Steel is divided into carbon steel and alloy steel according to the composition elements. Alloy steel is a steel that is intentionally added with an appropriate amount of one or more elements to improve or obtain certain properties on the basis of carbon steel. There are many types of elements added to steel, mainly chromium , manganese , vanadium , titanium , Nickel , molybdenum , silicon. In addition, iron ore is also used as a catalyst for ammonia synthesis (pure magnetite), natural mineral pigments (hematite, mirror iron ore, limonite) feed additives (magnetite, hematite, limonite) And precious stones (magnets), etc., but in small amounts. Steel products are widely used in all aspects of the national economy and people's lives, and are essential materials for social production and public life. Since the invention of the converter steelmaking method in the mid-19th century, steel has been the most important structural material, and it has occupied a very important position in the national economy. It is an important pillar industry for social development and the most important for modern industry. The most applied metal material. Therefore, people often use the output, variety and quality of steel and steel as an important indicator to measure the development level of a country's industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology. Second, iron mineral types There are many kinds of iron minerals. About 300 kinds of iron minerals and iron-containing minerals have been discovered, of which more than 170 are common. However, under the current technical conditions, the main industrial value is magnetite, hematite, maghemite, ilmenite, limonite and siderite. China's iron ore resources are not rich, mainly in the middle and low grade ore, the reserves of rich mineral resources only account for 1.8%, while the reserves of poor ore account for 47.6%. There are many small and medium mines, less large mines and less extra large mines. The type of ore is complex, and the proportion of refractory ore and multi-component co-ordination is significant. The refractory hematite and multi-component symbiotic iron ore reserves each account for 1/3 of the total national reserves, and the total (companion) raw components mainly include V, Ti, Cu, Pb, Zn, Co, Nb, Se, More than 30 kinds of Sb, W, Sn, Mo, Au, Ag, S, rare earth elements, etc., the most important are Ti, V, Nb, Cu, Co, S and rare earth elements, etc., some common (concomitant) components The economic value even exceeds the value of iron ore. For example, the Bayan Obo iron ore is rich in REO and Ta, Nb; the V and Ti reserves in Panzhihua vanadium ilmenite ranks in the top in the world. As separation and application techniques increase, these co-components will be fully integrated and recycled. Some red ore useful components have fine grain size, or are closely embedded with harmful components, and it is difficult to select and recycle, resulting in low recovery of iron mineral ore and a large amount of useful components are lost to the tailings. Some magnetite deposits with medium and low grades but easy to pick and choose, with low grade ore with a large marginal benefit, can be fully exploited if appropriate economic stimulus policies are available. [1] 1. Magnetite The main component is Fe3O4, namely triiron tetroxide. Each Fe3O4 molecule has two +3 valent iron atoms and one +2 valent iron atom, namely Fe2O3-FeO, and the oxygen atom is -2 valence, of which Fe The mass fraction is approximately 72.3597945571%. Isometric crystal system. Single crystals are often octahedral and less rhombohedral. On the rhombic dodecahedron surface, stripes appear in the long diagonal direction. The aggregates are mostly dense and granular. The color is iron black, the streak is black, semi-metallic luster, and opaque. Hardness 5.5 to 6.5. The specific gravity is 4.9 to 5.2. Strong magnetic. Magnetite often has a considerable amount of Ti4+ instead of Fe3+, and Mg2+ and V3+ are substituted for Fe2+ and Fe3+, thus forming some mineral subspecies, namely: (1) Titanium magnetite Fe2+(2+x)Fe3+(2-2x)TixO4(0 (2) Vanadium magnetite FeV2O4 or Fe2+(Fe3+V)O4, including V2O5 sometimes as high as 68.41% to 72.04%. (3) Vanadium-titanium magnetite is a solid solution product of the above two minerals which are more complicated in composition. (4) The chrome magnetite contains a few percent of Cr2O3. (5) Magnesia magnetite containing MgO can reach 6.01%. Magnetite is the main mineral of iron ore in iron ore deposits, contact metasomatism-hydrothermal iron deposits, sedimentary metamorphic iron deposits, and a series of iron deposits associated with volcanism. In addition, it is also common in sand deposits. Magnetite can be converted into hematite (like hematite and limonite) after oxidation, but still retain its original crystal form. 2. Hematite The main component of hematite is Fe2O3, which is iron oxide. There are two known homomorphic variants of Fe2O3 in nature, namely α-Fe2O3 and γ-Fe2O3, in which the mass fraction of Fe is about 69.9433034300%. The former is stable under natural conditions, called hematite; the latter is not as stable as α-Fe2O3 under natural conditions, and is in a metastable state, called maghemite. Often containing the same type of similar materials Ti, Al, Mn, Fe2+, Ca, Mg and a small amount of Ga and Co. Trigonal crystal system, intact crystals are rare. The crystalline hematite is steel gray and cryptocrystalline; the earthy hematite is red. The streaks are cherry red or fresh pig liver. Metal to semi-metallic luster. Sometimes the gloss is dim. Hardness 5 to 6. The specific gravity is 5 to 5.3. The aggregates of hematite have various forms and form some mineral subspecies, namely: (1) Mirror iron ore is a collection of metallic lustrous rosette or flaky hematite. (2) Mica hematite with metallic luster crystal fine scaly hematite. (3) Hematite in the form of warts or kidneys in the form of warts or kidneys. Hematite is one of the widely distributed iron minerals in nature and can be formed in various geological processes, but mainly hydrothermal action, sedimentation and regional metamorphism. In the oxidation zone, hematite can be formed by the dehydration of limonite or fibrite and goethite. But it can also become goethite and water hematite. Under reducing conditions, hematite can be converted into magnetite, called pseudo-magnetite. 3. Magnetic hematite γ-Fe2O3 usually contains a mixture of Mg, Ti, and Mn in its chemical composition. Isometric crystal system, pentagonal tritetrahedral crystal, mostly granular aggregate, dense block, often with magnetite illusion. The color and streaks are brown, hardness 5, specific gravity 4.88, strong magnetic. Maghemite is mainly formed by the secondary change of magnetite under oxidizing conditions. The Fe2+ in magnetite is completely replaced by Fe3+ (3Fe2+→2Fe3+), so the octahedral position occupied by 1/3Fe2+ creates vacancies. In addition, maghemite can be formed by the dehydration of fibrite, and also by the organic action of iron oxides. 4, limonite In fact, it is not a mineral species, but a mixture of goethite, fibrite, water needle iron ore, hydrous iron ore, and hydrous silicon oxide, mud, and the like. The chemical composition changes greatly and the water content changes greatly. (1) Goethite α-FeO(OH) containing 62.9% Fe. Those who do not quantitatively adsorb water are called water needle iron ore HFeO2·NH2O. Orthorhombic system, in the form of needles, columns, thin plates or scales. Usually in the form of beans, kidneys or stalactites. The mask is parallel or radiatively fibrous. Sometimes it is dense, blocky, earthy, and it is also braided. The color is reddish brown, dark brown to dark brown. The weathered powdery, ochre-like limonite is yellowish brown. The goethite streak is reddish brown with a hardness of 5 to 5.5 and a specific gravity of 4 to 4.3. The limonite streak is generally light brown or yellowish brown with a hardness of 1-4 and a specific gravity of 3.3-4. (2) Fibrite γ-FeO(OH), containing 62.9% Fe. Those who do not quantitatively adsorb water are called water-fibrite FeO(OH)·NH2O. Orthorhombic system. Common scaly or fibrous aggregates. The color is dark red to black red. The streaks are orange or brick red. The hardness is 4 to 5, and the specific gravity is 4.01 to 4.1. 5. Ilmenite The main component is FeTiO3, which is ferrous titanate, in which the mass fraction of Fe is about 36.8031410549%. Trigonal crystal system. Rhombic crystals. Often irregular, granular, scaly or thick plate. Above 950 ° C, ilmenite and hematite form a complete analogy. When the temperature is lowered, the melting occurs, so the ilmenite often contains fine scaly hematite inclusions. The ilmenite color is iron black or steel gray. The streaks are steel grey or black. Brownish or brownish red streaks when containing hematite inclusions. Metal - semi-metallic luster. It is opaque and has no cleavage. The hardness is 5 to 6.5 and the specific gravity is 4 to 5. Weak magnetic. Ilmenite mainly occurs in ultrabasic rocks, basic rocks, alkaline rocks, acidic rocks and metamorphic rocks. In China's Panzhihua vanadium-titanium magnetite deposit, ilmenite is distributed in granular or flake form between mineral particles such as titanomagnetite, or oriented along the cracked surface of titanium magnetite. 6, siderite The main component is FeCO3, that is, ferrous carbonate, wherein the mass fraction of Fe is about 49.0504689248%, often containing Mg and Mn. Trigonal crystal system. Common rhombohedron, the crystal face is often curved. The aggregates are in the form of coarse particles to fine particles. There are also tuberculosis, grape-like, and soil-like. Yellow, light brownish yellow (dark brown after weathering), glass luster. The hardness is 3.5 to 4.5, and the specific gravity is about 3.96, which varies depending on the content of Mg and Mn. 7. Pyrite The main components of FeS2, FeS had i.e., wherein the mass fraction of about 46.5519684580 percent Fe, because pyrite pale yellow color and a bright copper metallic luster, gold often mistaken. The crystal belongs to the sulphide mineral of the equiaxed crystal system. The composition usually contains cobalt , nickel and selenium , and has a NaCl-type crystal structure. Often intact crystal forms, in the form of cubes, octahedrons, pentagonal dodecahedrons and their polymorphism. The cubic crystal faces have stripes parallel to the crystal edges, and the stripes on each crystal face are perpendicular to each other. The aggregate is dense, granular or tuberculous. Light yellow (copper yellow) color, streak green black, strong metallic luster, opaque, no cleavage, uneven fracture. The Mohs hardness is relatively large, reaching 6-6.5, and the knife can't be moved. The proportion is 4.9-5.2. It is easily weathered into limonite under surface conditions. Pyrite is a disulfide of iron. Pyrite is generally used as a raw material for the production of sulfur and sulfuric acid, rather than as a raw material for the extraction of iron, because iron has better iron ore and a large amount of SO2 is produced during the refining process, causing air pollution. Pyrite is widely distributed and can be seen in many ores and rocks, including coal . It is usually a brass cube. Pyrite will become limonite or jarosite after weathering. The iron atom (Ferrum) has an atomic number of 26 and the symbol is Fe. On the periodic table, iron is the element of the eighth subfamily (VIIIB) of the fourth cycle. It belongs to the four-cycle VIIIB family of cobalt and nickel. In nature, iron has four stable isotopes, and its isotopic abundance (%) is as follows (Hertz, 1960): 54Fe—5.81, 56Fe—91.64, 57Fe—2.21, 58Fe—0.34. The atomic weight of iron is on average 55.847 (when 12C = 12.00). The atomic radius of iron, when taking 12 coordination numbers, is 1.26 × 10-10 m. Iron has an atomic volume of 7.1 cm 3 /gram atom and an atomic density of 7.86 g/cm 3 . The electronic structure of the iron atom is 3d64s2. The iron atom easily loses the two outer s electrons and is a positive divalent ion (Fe2+). If one d electron of the outer layer is lost again, it is a positive trivalent ion (Fe3+). This variable characteristic of iron causes iron to exhibit different geochemical properties in different redox reactions. The ionization potential (I1) of the first electron lost by the iron atom is 7.90 eV, the ionization potential (I2) of the second electron is lost to 16.18 eV, and the ionization potential (I3) of the third electron is lost to 30.64 eV. The ionic radius of iron varies with the coordination number and ion charge. According to Ahrens (1952), the ionic radius of Fe2+ is 0.074 nm and the ionic radius of Fe3+ is 0.064 nm when taking 6 coordination numbers. Iron ions constitute an ionic compound in an oxygen-containing salt and a halide. Iron often forms a covalent compound with sulfur and arsenic . The covalent radius of iron is 1.17 x 10-10 m. The bond strength can be determined by the difference in electronegativity between iron, sulfur, arsenic, and the like. The electronegativity of iron is 1.8 for Fe2+ and 1.9 for Fe3+ (Bollin, 1964). Any similar atomic radius of iron element when the same crystal structure, easy to form intermetallic compounds with the iron, and platinum group metals such as iron intermetallic compound is formed thick platinum mines (Pt, Fe). Any element with an ionic radius close to that of iron, when the chemical structure is the same, is easy to replace with iron, such as the fayalite and forsterite series in the silicate; Mine and rhodochrosite similar series; and tungsten iron ore and tungsten manganese ore in the tungstate series, and so on. The ion potential (Φ) is an important geochemical indicator. The ion potential of Fe2+ is 2.70, which is free ion (Fe2+) migration in aqueous solution. The ionic potential of Fe3+ is relatively high, 4.69, which is easily precipitated as a hydrolyzate. Therefore, under reducing conditions, Fe2+ is favored by free ion migration; under oxidizing conditions, Fe2+ is easily oxidized to Fe3+ and precipitates as a hydrolysate. The symbiotic combination of elements (same or equivalent) co-precipitated with iron can be predicted using an ion potential map. The density, melting point and boiling point of iron and its compounds, as well as their solubility or solubility in water, are important physical constants that determine the geochemical migration of iron. The solubility product of the iron compound (at 18 ° C), Fe (OH) 3 is 1.1 × 10 - 36 , Fe (OH) 2 is 1.04 × 10 - 14, FeS is 3.7 × 10 - 19 , and the like. The latent heat of fusion of iron is 269.55 J/g, and the latent heat of evaporation is 6343 J/g. Iron ore refers to the requirement that the TFe content in rock (or mineral) meets the minimum industrial grade. Iron ore classification According to the characteristics of mineral composition, structure, structure and mining, selection, metallurgy and process flow, iron ore can be divided into two categories: natural type and industrial type. Natural type 1) According to the type of iron-containing minerals, it can be divided into: magnetite ore, hematite ore, illusion or semi-artificial hematite ore, vanadium-titanium magnetite ore, limonite ore, siderite ore and two or two of them. A mixed ore of the above iron-containing minerals. 2) Press the harmful impurities (low S, P, Cu, Pb, Zn, V, Ti, Co, Ni, Sn, F, As) content of pyrite can be divided into high, low sulfur iron ore, high Phosphate iron ore, low phosphorus iron ore, etc. 3) According to structure and structure, it can be divided into disseminated ore, reticulated ore, striped ore, strip ore, dense massive ore, breccia ore, and braided, bean, kidney, and honeycomb. , powder, earth ore, etc. 4) feeling the pulse can be divided minerals quartz type, type amphibole, pyroxene type, type plagioclase, sericite chlorite type, skarn, actinolite type serpentine type, ankerite Type and jasper type iron ore. Third, iron ore industry type 1) Iron ore that can be used industrially, that is, iron ore in the table, including iron ore for steel making, iron ore for iron making, and iron ore to be selected. 2) Iron ore that is temporarily unavailable in the industry, that is, off-balance iron ore. The iron content of the ore is between the lowest industrial grade and the cut-off grade. Industrial quality requirements 1. Iron ore for steelmaking (formerly known as open furnace rich ore) Ore into the furnace block requirements: Iron ore for open hearth 50~250 mm; Iron ore for electric furnace 50~100 mm; The iron ore for the converter is 10 to 50 mm. The quality of ore used directly in steelmaking (for magnetite ore, hematite ore, limonite ore). 2. Iron ore for iron making (formerly known as blast furnace rich ore) Ore into the furnace block requirements: generally 8 ~ 40mm. Iron ore for iron making can be divided into: according to the pH of the slag component: Alkaline ore (CaO+MgO)/(SiO2+Al2O3)>1.2; Self-fluxing ore (CaO+MgO)/(SiO2+Al2O3)=0.8~1.2; Semi-self-fluxing ore (CaO+MgO)/(SiO2+Al2O3)=0.5-0.8; Acidic ore (CaO+MgO)/(SiO2+Al2O3)<0.5. Acid converter steelmaking pig iron ore P≤0.03% Alkaline open hearth steelmaking pig iron ore P ≤ 0.03% ~ 0.18% Alkaline side blowing converter steelmaking pig iron ore P ≤ 0.2% ~ 0.8% Thomas pig iron ore P ≤ 0.8% ~ 1.2% Ordinary foundry pig iron ore P ≤ 0.05% ~ 0.15% High phosphorus cast pig iron ore P≤0.15%~0.6% 3. Need to choose iron ore For ore or iron ore containing associated beneficial components with high iron content or high iron content but harmful impurities exceeding the specified requirements, beneficiation treatment is required. The selected iron concentrate is sintered or pelletized by batching. After processing, it can be used in the furnace. Iron ore requirements subject to beneficiation: Magnetite ore TFe ≥ 25%, mFe ≥ 20%; Hematite ore TFe≥28%~30%; Siderite ore TFe ≥ 25%; The limonite ore has a TFe ≥ 30%. The classification of the ore industry to be selected is usually based on a single weak magnetic separation process and is divided by magnetic iron occupancy. According to China's mine production experience, the general criteria are: Ore type mFe/TFe (%) Single weak magnetic ore ≥65 Other process ore <65 Another classification criterion can be applied to magnetite ore or hematite: mFe/TFe≥85 magnetite ore mFe/TFe85~15 mixed ore mFe/TFe≤15 hematite ore Fourth, metallogenic regularity In different geological periods, under the same geological conditions, the same type of iron deposits can be formed; but in different geological periods and tectonic movements, the dominant type of iron deposits is different, showing iron deposits. Forming characteristics closely related to the evolution of the earth's crust. From the old to the new, the main iron deposit types and their metallogenic regularities in the local quality period are as follows: (1) Sedimentary metamorphic iron deposits These iron deposits, also known as metamorphic sedimentary iron deposits, are mainly produced in the pre-Cambrian (Ecene, Proterozoic) ancient regional metamorphic rock series, which are important iron ore types in China, and their reserves account for 57.8% of the country's total reserves. It has the characteristics of “big, poor, shallow, easy (selected)â€, that is, the scale of the deposit is large, the iron content is low, and the ore body is exposed to the surface or shallow part, which is easy to sort. It is mainly distributed in southeastern Jilin, Liaoning-Benxi, Jidong, Beijing Miyun, Jinbei, southern Inner Mongolia, Yuzhong, Luzhong, Northwest Yunnan, Jiangxi Xinyu, Shaanxi Hanzhong and Xiangzhong. According to the ore type in the deposit and the rock mineral combination of the ore-bearing metamorphic rock series and other geological features, it is divided into the following two categories. 1. Metamorphic iron-silica-built iron deposit Typical iron deposits are distributed in Anshan-Benxi, Liaoning Province. Therefore, they are generally called “Anshan-style†iron ore. Such iron ore is an iron deposit that is subject to varying degrees of regional metamorphism and is associated with volcanic-iron siliceous deposits. It is roughly equivalent to the foreign Algoma type iron ore. It is mainly formed in the old metamorphic rock area of ​​the Precambrian (concentrated in 2000-3000 Ma). Iron deposits are mainly produced in different locations in the Taigu Yu Anshan Group, Qianxi Group, Taishan Group, Dengfeng Group, Huoqiu Group and their equivalent metamorphic rocks in Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, etc.; In the Wutai Group, Luliang Group and its equivalent metamorphic strata in the Paleozoic Paleozoic of Inner Mongolia, the metamorphism mostly belongs to the green schist to the amphibolite facies, and is produced in the granulite facies. Hunan, Jiangxi and other provinces are produced in the Banxi Group or the Sinian Songshan Group. In most areas, the iron-bearing metamorphic rocks are subjected to different degrees of mixed lithology and granitization . In the metamorphic iron-silicon construction, the iron ore layer is multi-layered, and there are also 1 to 2 layers, which are layered, layer-like, and lenticular. The thickness of the ore layer is generally tens to 100 meters, and the thickness is up to 350m. The extension is more stable, and individual ore layers can be as long as several tens of kilometers. Most of the deposits are large or extra large. The iron minerals and quartz in the ore have a black-and-white strip-like and stripe-like structure. When the degree of metamorphism is high, the transition to the hemp is formed. The ore is magnetite quartzite , hematite quartzite, green mud magnetite quartzite, and angular flash magnetite quartzite. Mainly lean ore, the iron grade is generally 25% to 40%. In the lean ore, there are also iron-rich ores with iron grades ranging from 50% to 60% of different scales. 2. Metamorphic carbonate-built iron deposits Typical deposits are distributed in the large chestnuts of Jilin, so they are called "big chestnut-type" iron ore. This type of iron ore is a carbonate-type sedimentary iron deposit that is subject to mild regional metamorphism. Mainly produced in the Yuanguyu stratum. The ore-bearing rock series is mainly composed of detrital-carbonate rocks, such as sandstone , mudstone, limestone and the like. It is known that there are not many mineral deposits, mainly produced in the phyllite and carbonate rocks of the Liaohe Group in the Paleoproterozoic Paleozoic in southeastern Jilin; the Yanmen and Yanshan iron deposits in Yunnan are produced in the carbonate rocks of the Kunyang Group in the lower part of the Neoproterozoic in. The ore body is layered, layered, lenticular, sweet potato-like, and irregular. The ore body is generally 100-300 m long along the strike, and the inclined depth is 200-500 m. The inclined length is longer than the strike and the thickness varies greatly. Ore minerals include hematite, magnetite, siderite, and limonite. The ore is dominated by blocks and strips, and the braided structure is second. The ore types are hematite type, magnetite type, siderite type, and secondary limonite type. The surrounding rocks of magnetite and hematite ore are mostly phyllite, while the surrounding rocks of siderite ore are mostly marble . Rich iron ore accounts for a large proportion, such as Yunnan Huanian Iron Mine, half of its reserves are ore containing alkaline iron. (2) Late magmatic iron deposits This is a type of deposit associated with basic, basic-ultrabasic magmatism. Its iron minerals are rich in vanadium and titanium, commonly known as vanadium-titanium magnetite deposits, with a reserve of 11.6%. According to the mineralization method, it can be divided into two categories: 1. Late magmatic iron ore deposit A deposit formed by the condensation of residual magma such as iron, vanadium and titanium formed by the late differentiation of magma crystallization. China was first discovered in the Panzhihua area of ​​Sichuan Province, so it is often referred to as the “Panzhihua†iron deposit in China. The deposit is produced in basic-ultrabasic rock masses such as gabbro- olivine . The rock mass is mostly distributed on the edge of the paleo-uplift belt and is controlled by deep and large faults. The ore-bearing rock mass can be extended up to several tens of kilometers and one to several kilometers wide. The rock mass is well differentiated, the phase band is obvious, and the rhythm is clear. According to the rock combination, it can be divided into gabbro type, Huichang-Suchang type, Huichang-ortrinite type, Huichang-oblonged rock type, Huichang-Gemstone-olivine type and diabase type. Combination type. The iron ore body is mostly layered and distributed in the dark phase band at the bottom of the middle or lower rhythm layer of the rock mass, and is parallel with the rhythm layer of the rock mass. Mineral deposits are often composed of several to dozens of parallel ore bodies, with cumulative thicknesses ranging from tens to two to three hundred meters and depths of up to several kilometers. The main granular ilmenite ore minerals, magnetite, ilmenite spar, aluminum magnesium spinel, containing small amounts of pyrrhotite, pyrite and sulfides of cobalt, nickel, copper. The ore has a bismuth iron structure and a mosaic structure. The ore is dense, strip-shaped and disseminated. The ore contains 20% to 45% of TFe, TiO23% to 16%, V2O50.15% to 0.5%, Cr2O30.1% to 0.38%, and associated trace amounts of Cu and Co. Ni, Ga, Mn, P, Se, Te, Sc and Pt elements can be comprehensively utilized. The scale of these deposits is large and is an important source of iron, vanadium and titanium. It is mainly distributed in Sichuan Province in China. The climbing (twig flower) west (Chang) area. 2. Late magmatic penetrating iron deposit The iron-bearing ore liquid which is differentiated in the late magma is formed by breaking or contacting the rock body. China first discovered the temple in Hebei Province, so it is often referred to as the “Daguan-style†iron deposit. Iron deposits are produced in the plagioclase and gabbro rocks. The basic rock mass is distributed along the east-west fault zone. The ore body is formed along the rock mass fissure or the contact zone of the above two magmatic rocks. The shape of the ore body is irregular, mostly lenticular or vein-like, appearing in groups, arranged in a geese pattern. The boundaries between the ore body and the surrounding rock are clear and the occurrence is steep. From the surface to the deep, the common branching phenomenon of the ore body is mostly blind ore body. The length of a single ore body is several hundred meters, the thickness is several tens of meters, and the depth is several tens to several hundreds meters. The main minerals are magnetite, ilmenite, hematite, rutile and pyrite. The gangue minerals are plagioclase, pyroxene, chlorite, actinolite, amphibole and apatite. The ore structure is uniform and the common iron structure is common. With a disseminated and block structure. Rich ore ore, containing vanadium, titanium and nickel, cobalt, platinum and other sulfides. The near-mineral surrounding rocks are commonly altered by fibrillation, chlorite, and eucalyptus. Useful mineral particles are large and the ore is easy to choose. The size of the deposits is generally medium-sized, mainly distributed in the areas of Dianmiao and Montenegro in Chengde, Hebei Province. (3) Hydrothermal iron deposits Contact metasomatic deposits, often referred to as skarn deposits. It mainly occurs in or near the contact zone of medium-acid-intermediate intrusive rocks and carbonate rocks (calcium-containing magnesia rocks). Such deposits generally have a typical skarn mineral combination (calcium-aluminum-calcium garnet series, diopside -calcium pyroxene series), and have a certain relationship with skarn in both genesis and spatial distribution. relationship. The formation of magmatic rock intrusions comes from the Caledonian, Hercynian, Indosinian, and Yanshanian periods. It is most important to take Yanshan period in China. The age of carbonate rock formation has been from the Sinian to the Jurassic, and the lithology is very different. For the domestic skarn type iron ore surrounding rock, it includes limestone, marble, dolomitic limestone, marl , various impure limestone and dolomite ; some surrounding rocks can be horn rock , schist, slate , sandstone or tuff . From the lithology era, the Proterozoic (including the Sinian) is mostly siliceous limestone; the Cambrian-Ordovician is mostly pure limestone or magmatic limestone; Carboniferous-Permian Mostly muddy and organic limestone. The most favorable formation of contact-type iron ore in northern China is the Cambrian-Ordovician limestone, and the south is mainly the Triassic Daye limestone and the Early Permian Qixia limestone. Most of the contact metasomatic iron ore is formed in the contact zone, and some ore bodies can extend into the surrounding rock of the non-skarn. The ore body often appears in groups, and the shape is complex, mostly lenticular, cystic, and irregular. And veins, etc., ore mineral composition is more complicated. Iron ore is dominated by massive structures, followed by disseminated, spotted, clumped and breccia structures. Such ore may have frequently with utilization of copper, cobalt, gold, silver, tungsten, lead and zinc; even constitute iron copper, iron copper-molybdenum, iron-boron, iron, tin, iron and gold were (with) DEPOSIT . The scale of the deposit is mainly small and medium-sized, and there are also large ones. These iron ore mines are widely distributed in China, mainly in the areas of Hebei (邯)-Xing (Taiwan), Edong, Jinnan, Yuxi, Luzhong, North Jiangsu, Weinan, Yuebei, and Southwest Sichuan. The West is an important source of iron-rich ore in China. According to the conditions of magmatic rock and surrounding rock, it is often divided into Yanxing, Daye and Huanggang iron ore in the industry. The surrounding rock of the Xingxing-type iron ore is mainly the Majiagou Formation limestone of the Middle Ordovician, and the ore body is often layered. The surrounding rock of Daye-type iron ore is mainly the Triassic Daye limestone, and the shape of the ore body is irregular. The Huanggang-type iron ore-forming ore-forming rock mass is granite and Baigangyan, and the surrounding rock is the Paleozoic carbonate rock volcanic rock series. Hydrothermal iron deposits are obviously controlled by structure, some are fault-controlled ore, some are fold-controlled ore, and there are composite control of fracture and fold. The relationship between hydrothermal iron deposits and magmatic rocks often varies from place to place, and most ore bodies have a certain distance from the rock mass. Hydrothermal magnetite, hematite and alkaline deposits often granite, diorite granite, diorite related, epithermal hematite in the smaller deposits often acidic intrusion related to two Keep a certain distance. The medium-low temperature hydrothermal siderite deposit has no obvious relationship with the intrusion. The control effect of surrounding rock conditions on hydrothermal iron ore is not obvious. Surrounding rock alteration is a prominent feature of hydrothermal iron ore. High-temperature deposits are commonly used in tremolite , tremolite , biotite, and green curtain petrochemical; medium and low temperature deposits are mostly chlorite, sericitizing, silicified, Carbonation and the like. Most hydrothermal iron ore bodies are small and often appear in groups. The ore body is vein-like, lenticular, and lenticular, and it is more common to branch, expand and contract, and to eliminate the phenomenon of reappearance. The ore combination is simple and the ore grade is generally higher. The scale of the deposit is mainly small and medium-sized. Distributed in Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces and autonomous regions. However, there are also large deposits, such as the Weihe River in the Upper Cambrian-Central Ordovician carbonate rocks, which is a shallow-low temperature hydrothermal filling deposit. The deposit consists of 22 ore bodies, which are layered and lenticular, with overlapping and parallel distribution. The main ore body is 7000m long, 12~36m thick and 100~470m deep. The ore minerals are mainly limonite and siderite. The ore grade TFe averages 41% (limonite) 30% (cemeterite), proven iron ore reserves of 116 million tons, of which iron ore reserves of 54 million tons. (4) related to volcanic intrusion activities Such deposits refer to iron deposits that are associated with volcanic rocks and subvolcanic rocks. Mineralization is related to the neutral (partial or acidic) volcanic intrusion activity of sodium-rich. Based on the geological background of mineralization, according to the volcanic eruption environment, it can be divided into continental volcanic-intrusive iron deposits and marine volcanic-intrusive iron deposits. 1. Land volcano-intrusive iron deposit In the distribution area of ​​the continental Anshan volcanic rocks in eastern China, an iron deposit with space, time and genetic relationship with the pyroxene diorite-subvolcanic or volcanic intrusive rocks is developed. The typical deposit is produced in the Mesozoic continental volcanic fault basin in the Ning (Nanjing) 芜 (Lake) area, and has a close genetic relationship with the alkaline basaltic Anshan volcanic intrusion. Some people in China call it "Xiyan Iron Mine." It actually consists of a series of genetic types from late magma-high temperature, medium temperature, to medium-low temperature. According to the output characteristics of the deposits in the volcanic mechanism, they can be roughly divided into three categories: 1 iron ore deposits produced in the volcanic rock contact zone inside and at the top of the shale body, such as “Tao Cun-style†and “recessed mountain typeâ€. ", "Meishan style" and so on. 2 Iron ore deposits produced in the contact zone between the plutonium and the surrounding rock. Such as "Gushan style" and so on. 3 Volcanic deposits produced in volcanic clastic rocks, such as "Longqishan style". Among them, the first type of deposit is the largest and the ore contains high iron. Terrestrial volcano-invasive iron deposits, ore bodies often appear layered, lenticular, cystic, columnar, veined and so on. The size of the ore bodies varies, and the large ore bodies can be more than a kilometer in length, tens to two to three hundred meters thick, and tens to nearly kilometers wide. The ore minerals are mainly magnetite, with the exception of hematite and hematite, followed by a small amount of siderite. The ore structure has a block shape, a dip-like shape, a breccia shape, a variegated shape, and a striped strip shape. The magnetite of this type of deposit is characterized by containing Ti and V. 2. Marine volcano-invasive iron deposit It is prolific in the vicinity of the submarine volcanic eruption center in the trough fold zone. The formation of iron deposits is directly related to volcanism. The typical deposit is represented by the Dahongshan Iron Mine in Yunnan. Iron ore bodies occur in a set of ore-bearing formations consisting of pyroclastic-carbonate-lava (fine and rock porphyry). The lower part is quartz sandstone, calcareous or hard sandy siltstone, with thin layers of marl, dolomitic limestone and siltstone; the sodium-rich light-colored rock is the ore-bearing rock stratum of the main ore body. The upper part is thick layer of marble. Ore bodies are often layered, layered, lenticular, and a few are veins or sacs, often appearing in groups. The ore structure is mainly composed of massive, dip-like, breccia, strip, almond and directional structures. The ore minerals are mainly magnetite and hematite, followed by imaginary hematite, siderite and sulfide minerals. The gangue minerals are quartz, albite, sericite, and iron chlorite. (5) Sedimentary iron deposits It is an iron-bearing rock, mineral or iron ore body exposed to the surface. Under weathering, it is broken, decomposed, transported to low-lying basins, some are mechanically deposited, and some undergo sedimentary differentiation (including chemical differentiation). Role) deposited. When iron mineral or iron enrichment meets industrial requirements, a deposit is formed. This type of iron deposit reserves account for 8.7% of the national reserves. The deposit has the characteristics of “wide, thin and difficultâ€, that is, the distribution area of ​​the ore layer is wide and the thickness is thin. The ore is mostly hematite and siderite, and the phosphorus content is high and difficult to select. According to the sedimentary environment formed by iron deposits, it can be divided into two types of sedimentary deposits, marine and lacustrine. Marine sedimentary iron deposit This type of iron ore was produced in various geological periods after the Neoproterozoic. The oldest of the era is the Early Sinian Sedimentary Iron Deposit, represented by the Pangjiabao Iron Mine in Xuanhua, Hebei. The ore body is produced at the bottom of the Chuanlinggou Formation of the Great Wall. The bottom of the ore body is fine sandstone or sandy limestone, and the roof is black shale sandwiched thin sandstone. The ore body generally has 3 to 7 layers, which are interbedded with sandstone to form a ore belt with a thickness of 10 m. Above the top of the ore body is the Dahongyu limestone and calcareous sandstone. Below the bottom plate is the Changcheng quartz sandstone interlayer, common wave marks and interlaced layers. The ore body is layered, lenticular or lens-shaped. The ore is mainly composed of hematite, as well as mirror iron ore, quartz, calcite and pyrite, chlorite, apatite and the like. The ore has a braided, bean-like, kidney-like structure. The size of the deposit is generally medium to small. Mainly distributed in the Xuanhua and Longguan areas of Hebei. Commonly known as the "Xuanlong" iron ore. The most widely distributed is the Devonian “Ningxiang-style†iron ore, which is mainly distributed in the border of Hunan and Jiangxi, western Hubei, Hunan, eastern Sichuan, western Yunnan, northern Fujian, Gannan and Guizhong. The iron ore is produced in the middle and upper Devonian sand shale. The ore body is layered, and the main ore-bearing layer has 1-4 layers with chlorite shale or fine sandstone. The ore body is 0.5 to 2 m thick and the thickness is relatively stable. The ore body is extended by hundreds of meters to several kilometers, up to a dozen kilometers. The ore is composed of hematite, siderite, calcite, dolomite, chlorite, collophanite, pyrite, clay minerals and quartz. It has a braided and granular structure with a bean-like, massive, gravel structure. The scale of the deposit is mainly medium. Because it was first discovered in Ningxiang County, Hunan Province, it was called the “Ningxiang-style†iron ore. The latest is the Late Triassic sedimentary iron deposit. The deposits are mainly distributed in the west of western Yunnan and western Sichuan, such as the Zugite iron ore in the Weixi-Deqin, western Yunnan, and the limonite and siderite in the Yanyuan-Muli area of ​​western Sichuan. 2. Lake sedimentary iron deposit The age of deposit formation was most important in the Permian and Jurassic periods, mainly in Sichuan Province. The iron ore layer is often closely related to the coal-bearing strata. It is produced in coal-sedimented sand shale. The ore body is lenticular and layer-like, and varies greatly along the strike. It is tens of meters to hundreds of meters long and is generally less than 2m thick. Ore minerals are hematite, siderite, and sometimes limonite. The ore structure is mainly braided and blocky. The ore contains more than 35% to 40% iron. The representative deposit is the “綦江å¼â€ iron ore that is located at the bottom of the Early and Middle Jurassic Ziliujing Group. It is a lacustrine deposit of hematite and siderite, accompanied by magnetite and iron chlorite. The scale of the deposit is generally small and medium-sized deposits, such as the Minjiang and Baishitan iron ore. å¦å¤–,还有在山西çœå¯¿é˜³ä¸€å¸¦äº§äºŽäºŒå 纪页岩ä¸æ¹–相沉积“寿阳å¼â€é“矿床和甘肃çœå…盘山以东的åŽäºä¸€å¸¦èµ‹å˜äºŽç™½åž©çºªç²˜åœŸå²©æˆ–ç ‚é¡µå²©ä¸çš„湖相沉积“åŽäºå¼â€é“矿床åŠå¹¿è¥¿å³æ±ŸæµåŸŸèµ‹å˜åœ¨ç¬¬ä¸‰çºªæ¸æ–°ç»Ÿç…¤ç³»ä¸çš„湖相沉积“å³æ±Ÿå¼â€é“矿床。矿床规模å‡ä¸ºå°åž‹ã€‚ (å…)风化淋滤型é“矿床 本类矿床包括原生é“矿体〠玄æ¦å²©å’Œå«é“质岩石或硫化矿体,ç»é£ŽåŒ–淋滤ã€æ®‹å¡ç§¯å †ç§¯å½¢æˆçš„é“矿床。 矿床多产于é“矿或硫化矿顶部åŠå…¶é™„近的低凹处或山å¡ä¸Šã€‚矿体形æ€å¤šä¸è§„则。矿石矿物有è¤é“矿ã€å‡è±¡èµ¤é“矿ç‰ã€‚矿床规模以ä¸ã€å°åž‹ä¸ºä¸»ï¼Œä½†åŸ‹è—浅,矿石å«é“é‡è¾ƒé«˜ï¼Œæ˜“于开采,是地方和群众开采的主è¦å¯¹è±¡ã€‚在ä¸å›½ä¸¤å¹¿ã€ç¦å»ºã€è´µå·žã€æ±Ÿè¥¿ç‰çœåŒºéƒ½æœ‰åˆ†å¸ƒã€‚ (七)其他é‡è¦é“矿床 这类矿床主è¦åŒ…括内蒙å¤ç™½äº‘é„‚åšå’Œæµ·å—石碌é“矿。这两个é“矿床å‡å±žå¤§åž‹çŸ¿åºŠï¼Œå› 对其矿床æˆå› 问题,尚有争议。关于其矿床地质特å¾ï¼Œè¯·å‚阅下一节典型矿床实例。 五ã€æˆçŸ¿è§„律 太å¤å®™ é“矿主è¦åˆ†å¸ƒäºŽåŽåŒ—地å°åŒ—缘的å‰æž—东å—部ã€éžå±±â€”本溪ã€å†€ä¸œâ€”北京ã€å†…è’™å¤å—部和地å°å—缘的许昌—éœä¸˜ã€é²ä¸åœ°åŒºã€‚以å—å˜è´¨æ²‰ç§¯åž‹é“ç¡…è´¨å»ºé€ çŸ¿åºŠä¸ºä¸»ï¼Œå¸¸ç§°â€œéžå±±å¼â€é“矿。多为大型矿床,é“矿床主è¦èµ‹å˜äºŽéžå±±ç¾¤ã€è¿è¥¿ç¾¤ã€å¯†äº‘群ã€ä¹Œæ‹‰å±±ç¾¤ã€æ³°å±±ç¾¤ã€ç™»å°ç¾¤ã€éœä¸˜ç¾¤ç‰ã€‚其岩石å˜è´¨ç¨‹åº¦å¤šå±žè§’闪岩相,部分属麻粒岩相或绿片岩相,并å—æ··åˆå²©åŒ–。矿石以æ¡çº¹çŠ¶ã€æ¡å¸¦çŠ¶ã€ç‰‡éº»çŠ¶æž„é€ ä¸ºç‰¹å¾ï¼Œè¢«ç§°ä¸ºæ¡å¸¦çŠ¶ç£é“石英岩型é“矿。该时代储é‡å 41.4%。 å¤å…ƒå¤ä»£ é“矿主è¦åˆ†å¸ƒäºŽåŽåŒ—地å°ä¸éƒ¨åŒ—东å‘五å°ç‡•è¾½åœ°æ§½åŒºã€‚矿床ä»ä»¥å—å˜è´¨æ²‰ç§¯åž‹é“ç¡…è´¨å»ºé€ ä¸ºä¸»ï¼Œèµ‹å˜äºŽäº”å°ç¾¤ã€å•æ¢ç¾¤å˜è´¨å²©ä¸ï¼ŒçŸ¿çŸ³ä»¥æ¡çº¹çŠ¶ã€æ¡å¸¦çŠ¶æž„é€ ä¸ºä¸»ã€‚åœ¨å—方地区有伴éšæµ·ç›¸ç«å±±å²©ã€ç¢³é…¸ç›å²©çš„ç«å±±å²©åž‹çŸ¿åºŠï¼Œä»¥äº‘å—大红山é“é“œçŸ¿åºŠä¸ºä»£è¡¨ï¼ŒçŸ¿ä½“äº§äºŽå¤§çº¢å±±ç¾¤é’ è´¨å‡ç°å²©ã€å‡ç°è´¨ç™½äº‘质大ç†å²©ä¸ã€‚ æ–°å…ƒå¤ä»£(å«éœ‡æ—¦çºª) é“矿床类型较多。在北方地区,有产于浅海-æµ·æ»¨ç›¸ä»¥æ³¥ç ‚è´¨ä¸ºä¸»æ²‰ç§¯åž‹èµ¤é“矿床,分布于河北龙关—宣化一带和产于斜长岩体ä¸çš„承德大庙一带的岩浆型钒钛ç£é“矿床;在内蒙å¤åœ°è½´åŒ—缘有产于白云鄂åšç¾¤ç™½äº‘岩ä¸çš„白云鄂åšé“ã€ç¨€åœŸã€ 铌综åˆçŸ¿åºŠ;还有赋å˜ç»†ç¢Žå±‘岩-æ³¥ç°å²©-碳酸ç›å»ºé€ ä¸çš„酒泉镜é“山沉积å˜è´¨åž‹é“矿(铜〠é‡æ™¶çŸ³ )。在å—方地区,除分布于湘ã€èµ£ä¸¤çœçš„æ¿æºªç¾¤ã€æ¾å±±ç¾¤æµ…å˜è´¨å²©ç³»ä¸çš„沉积å˜è´¨åž‹é“矿,还有产于新元å¤ç•Œæ¾œæ²§ç¾¤ä¸åŸºæ€§ç«å±±å²©ä¸çš„云å—æƒ æ°‘å¤§åž‹ç«å±±-沉积型é“矿。 å…ƒå¤å®™å½¢æˆçš„é“矿,储é‡å 22.8%。 å¤ç”Ÿä»£ 除志留纪é“矿较少外,其他å„时代都有é“矿。以沉积型和岩浆型矿床为主,也有接触交代-çƒæ¶²åž‹é“矿。如沉积型é“矿,分布于å—æ–¹(湘ã€æ¡‚ã€èµ£ã€é„‚ã€å·)泥盆系ä¸çš„海相沉积赤é“矿床,常称“å®ä¹¡å¼â€é“矿;岩浆晚期型矿床以钒钛ç£é“矿(攀æžèŠ±å¼)最为é‡è¦ï¼Œå«çŸ¿å²©ä½“分布于攀æžèŠ±â€”西昌一带。该时代储é‡å 22.4%。 ä¸ç”Ÿä»£ 是陆相ç«å±±-侵入活动有关的é“矿床和接触交代-çƒæ¶²åž‹é“矿形æˆçš„主è¦æ—¶ä»£ã€‚陆相ç«å±±-侵入型,主è¦åˆ†å¸ƒäºŽå®(å—京)—芜(æ¹–)地区。接触交代-çƒæ¶²åž‹é“矿床,分布于鄂东(大冶å¼)邯邢ã€é²ä¸ã€æ™‹å—ã€è±«åŒ—和闽å—ç‰åœ°åŒºã€‚这个时代形æˆçš„é“矿,储é‡å 12.4%。 新生代 以风化淋滤åŠæ®‹ã€å¡ç§¯åž‹ä¸ºä¸»ï¼Œæ¬¡ä¸ºé™†ç›¸æ²‰ç§¯çš„è±é“矿ã€æ²¼é“çŸ¿ï¼Œè¿˜æœ‰æµ·æ»¨ç ‚é“矿。储é‡å 1.0%。 现将国内5个主è¦é“矿储é‡é›†ä¸åˆ†å¸ƒåœ°åŒºï¼Œå³éžå±±â€”本溪ã€å†€ä¸œâ€”北京ã€æ”€æžèŠ±â€”西昌ã€äº”å°â€”岚县ã€å®èŠœâ€”åºæžžä»‹ç»å¦‚下: (1)éžå±±â€”本溪地区万é“矿分布于辽å®éžå±±ã€æœ¬æºªå’Œè¾½é˜³3市,东西长85km,å—北宽60km,é¢ç§¯çº¦5000km2(图3.2.4)。é“çŸ¿åºŠå‡ ä¹Žå…¨ä¸ºâ€œéžå±±å¼â€æ²‰ç§¯å˜è´¨åž‹ã€‚有大ã€ä¸ã€å°åž‹é“矿床53处,其ä¸å¤§åž‹19处。åˆè®¡ä¿æœ‰é“矿石储é‡(A+B+C+D级)106.5亿t。已开采的大型é“矿山有:éžå±±é½å¤§å±±ã€å¤§å¤å±±ã€ä¸œéžå±±ã€çœ¼å‰å±±å’Œæœ¬æºªå—芬ã€æªå¤´å±±ã€åŒ—å°ä»¥åŠè¾½é˜³å¼“é•¿å²é“矿ç‰ï¼Œ1996年末é“矿开采能力3955万t。å¦å¤–,å¯ä¾›è®¾è®¡ä¸Žè§„划建设的大型é“矿床有红旗ã€è´¾å®¶å ¡åã€æ£‰èŠ±å ¡åç‰ã€‚ (2)冀东—北京地区é“矿分布于河北è¿å®‰ã€è¿è¥¿ã€éµåŒ–ã€å®½åŸŽã€é’é¾™ã€æ»¦åŽ¿ã€æŠšå®å’ŒåŒ—京密云ã€æ€€æŸ”ç‰åŽ¿(图3.2.5)。é“çŸ¿å‡ ä¹Žå…¨ä¸ºâ€œéžå±±å¼â€æ²‰ç§¯å˜è´¨åž‹ã€‚有大ã€ä¸ã€å°åž‹çŸ¿åºŠ84处,其ä¸å¤§åž‹é“矿床9处。åˆè®¡ä¿æœ‰é“矿石储é‡(A+B+C+D级)58.1亿t。已开采的é‡ç‚¹çŸ¿å±±æœ‰è¿å®‰æ°´åŽ‚ã€å¤§çŸ³æ²³(包括大石河ã€äºŒé©¬ã€å‰è£´åº„ã€æŸ³æ²³å³ªã€ç¾Šå´–å±±ã€å¤§æ¨åº„ã€æå±±)棒锤山ã€ç£¨ç›˜å±±å’ŒéµåŒ–石人沟ã€é’龙庙沟以åŠåŒ—京密云é“矿ç‰ï¼Œ1996年末é“矿开采能力2105万t。å¦å¤–,å¯ä¾›è®¾è®¡ä¸Žè§„划建设的大型é“矿床有è¿å®‰åŸå®¶æ²Ÿ(储é‡2.1亿t,TFe28.9%)和滦县å¸å®¶è¥åŒ—区(储é‡8.4亿t,TFe 29.2%)。 (3)攀æžèŠ±â€”西昌地区é“矿分布于攀æžèŠ±å¸‚和西昌地区的米易ã€å¾·æ˜Œã€ä¼šç†ã€ä¼šä¸œã€ç›è¾¹ã€ç›æºã€å†•å®å’Œå–œå¾·ç‰åŽ¿(图3.2.6)。主è¦ä¸ºå²©æµ†åž‹çš„é’’é’›ç£é“矿矿床,其次有接触交代-çƒæ¶²åž‹å’Œæ²‰ç§¯åž‹é“矿床。有大ã€ä¸ã€å°åž‹çŸ¿åºŠ66处,其ä¸å¤§åž‹13处。åˆè®¡ä¿æœ‰é“矿石储é‡(A+B+C+D级)51.6亿t,V2O2储é‡1282万t,TiO2储é‡3.34亿t。已开采的é‡ç‚¹çŸ¿å±±æœ‰æ”€æžèŠ±çš„朱家包包ã€å…°å®¶ç«å±±ã€ 尖包包和西昌的太和北矿区ç‰ï¼Œ1996年末é“矿开采能力1420万t。å¦å¤–,å¯ä¾›è®¾è®¡ä¸Žè§„划建设的大型é“矿床有米易白马åŠåŠåª(TFeå“ä½27.8%,é“矿石储é‡5.5亿t,伴生TiO2å“ä½6.29%,TiO2储é‡1600万t,V2O5å“ä½0.27%,V2O5储é‡149万t);白马田家æ‘(TFeå“ä½25.3%,é“矿石图3.2.6攀æžèŠ±â€”西昌地区é“矿分布示æ„图储é‡3.14亿t,伴生TiO2å“ä½6%,TiO2储é‡922万t,V2O5å“ä½0.25%,V2O5储é‡76.5万t);攀æžèŠ±çº¢æ ¼(TFeå“ä½27.4%,é“矿石储é‡18.4亿t,伴生TiO2å“ä½10.5%,TiO2储é‡2亿t,V2O5å“ä½0.24%,V2O5储é‡448万t)。 Casting polyurethane prepolymers involves a process where a liquid mixture of polyols and isocyanates is poured into a mold or container and allowed to cure or solidify. This process is commonly used in various industries such as automotive, construction, and manufacturing. Polyether Polyurethane Prepolymer,Cpu For Elastomers,Polyseter Prepolymer For Ring,Prepolymer For Pu Plate XUCHUAN CHEMICAL(SUZHOU) CO., LTD ,
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to cast polyurethane prepolymers:
1. Prepare the mold: Clean the mold thoroughly and ensure it is free from any debris or contaminants. Apply a mold release agent to facilitate the easy removal of the cured polyurethane.
2. Measure and mix the components: Measure the desired amount of polyol and isocyanate components. The specific ratio will depend on the desired properties of the final product, which can be found in the product's technical data sheet. Pour the measured components into a clean mixing container.
3. Mix the components: Use a mechanical mixer or a high-speed drill with a mixing attachment to thoroughly mix the polyol and isocyanate components together. Make sure to mix for the recommended amount of time specified by the manufacturer to ensure complete homogeneity.
4. Degassing: After mixing, it is important to degas the mixture to remove any trapped air bubbles. This can be done by placing the mixture in a vacuum chamber and applying vacuum pressure for a specified period of time. Alternatively, a vacuum degassing unit can be used.
5. Pouring the mixture: Once the mixture is properly degassed, pour it into the prepared mold or container. Take care to avoid introducing any additional air bubbles during the pouring process.
6. Curing: Allow the poured mixture to cure at room temperature or, if necessary, in a temperature-controlled environment. The curing time will vary depending on the specific polyurethane prepolymer used and the desired hardness or flexibility of the final product. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for curing time and temperature.
7. Demolding: After the polyurethane has fully cured, carefully remove it from the mold or container. Use caution to prevent any damage to the cured part.
8. Post-curing (optional): Depending on the specific polyurethane prepolymer used, post-curing may be required to optimize the material's properties. This can be done by subjecting the cured part to elevated temperatures for a specific period of time.
It is important to note that casting polyurethane prepolymers requires proper safety precautions, such as wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and working in a well-ventilated area. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for handling and working with polyurethane prepolymers.