Huachang Chemical loses nearly 100 million yuan in the year

Affected by the economic downturn in the industry, the market for soda ash and chemical fertilizers in 2009 was fiercely competitive and the price dropped sharply. As a result, Huachang Chemical's full-year performance fell sharply, with a loss of nearly 100 million yuan.

Huachang Chemical disclosed its 2009 annual report today. During the reporting period, the company realized total operating revenue of 2.351 billion yuan, a decrease of 20.69% from the same period of 2008; the company’s annual loss was 99.417 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 149.18%; basic earnings per share from the end of 2008 1.24 yuan fell to -0.49 yuan.

The company stated that due to the economic downturn in the industry, the market for soda ash and chemical fertilizers was fiercely competitive in 2009, and prices fell sharply. In particular, the average unit price of soda ash decreased by 37.30%, the average unit sales price of ammonium chloride dropped by 41.84%, and the average selling unit price of refined methanol decreased. 36.37%, the average selling unit price of compound fertilizer decreased by 25.90%; leading to a significant decrease in the company's operating performance year-on-year.

Huachang Chemical Industry also anticipates future product markets. The company stated that from the current perspective, the real estate and automobile industries have developed rapidly. Flat glass began to expand its demand from the middle of 2009. After 4-5 months of industrial chain transmission, it has begun to have a positive impact on the soda industry at the end of the year; Prices began to rise; however, chemical fertilizers and soda ash industries will still maintain a relatively fierce competitive state.

Although losses have become a reality in 2009, the company is still full of hope for the future. The company stated that it is building on its existing subsidiary Zhangjiagang Huachang Pharmaceutical and a 1,000-ton/year solid sodium borohydride production line technological transformation project, involved in the field of bio-pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals, nurturing new economic growth points, and enhancing the development potential of the company. stamina.

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