How to see the effect of flotation

Non-automatic flotation plant flotation station operation The most common task is to maintain the normal operation of the equipment, and judge the quality of the selection index according to various phenomena in the flotation process, and accurately judge the product quality through flotation phenomenon, which is artificial The key to achieving good performance is the operation. A common method of determining the quality of a flotation product is to observe the foam and panning products.

1. Observing the foam Whether the flotation worker can correctly adjust the flotation agent addition amount, the concentrate scraping amount and the medium ore circulation amount, the first is to determine the correctness of the judgment of the appearance of the flotation foam. The main observations of the appearance of flotation foam are:

1) The virtual (empty) and real (knot) reflect the degree of mineralization of the bubble surface. The foam of the selected and rough-selected operations is generally “real”, and the foam of the sweeping operation is “virtual”. The ore grade is high and the amount of the drug is appropriate. The rough selection of the head foam will be normal. If the inhibitor is excessive and the collector is too small, the foam is virtual.

2) Large and small refers to the size of the bubble on the surface of the foam layer, often changing with the nature of the ore, the pharmaceutical system and the flotation operation. In the general sulphide ore flotation, bubbles of 8 to 10 cm in diameter can be regarded as large bubbles, those of 3 to 5 cm are medium bubbles, and those of 1 to 2 cm are small bubbles. The bubble mineralization is good for the middle bubble, and the common bubble is common in the selection and rough selection operation; when the bubble mineralization is poor, it is mostly the small bubble, and the tail of the sweeping operation is more common. The size of the bubble is also related to the amount of foaming agent, and the bubble is small when used in a large amount.

3) Color, the color of the foam is determined by the color of the attached mineral and water film. Such as the flotation of hematite foam was brick red. The sweeping tail foam is often a white water film color. Scavenging mineral floating deeper color job, the greater the loss of metal, the darker the floating crude mineral selected operations thereof, the better the quality of the concentrate.

4) Gloss, the luster of the foam is determined by the luster of the mineral and the water of the water film. However, the thickness of the flotation ore also affects the gloss of the foam surface.

5) Contours, floating mineralized bubbles, due to the influence of slurry flow, bubble interference and gravity of surface layer minerals, are often nearly circular and elliptical. The contour of the newly formed mineralized bubble is relatively clear, and the bubble outline is blurred after the foam surface is long and the residence time is long.

6) Thickness and thinness mean that the thickness of the foam layer is related to the amount of foaming agent and the degree of bubble mineralization. If there are many foaming agents, high ore content, high concentration, and good mineralization, the foam layer will be thicker, and vice versa. However, if the flotation of the ore is too thick, it is difficult to form a thick foam layer.

7) Brittle and sticky. If the foam is too brittle, the stability is poor, and it is easy to break. If it is too sticky, it is easy to "run the trough" and the transportation is difficult. Excessive foaming agent, mixed with oil, and a large amount of mineral mud in the ore will make the foam too stable.

8) Sound refers to the sound produced when the foam is scraped into the foam tank. When the mineral is heavy and the grain size is coarse, it will be “sand” after being scraped out into the foam tank.

2. Washing products The panning and tailings are washed with bowls, bowls, etc. to identify the quality of the concentrate and metal loss.

According to the purpose of panning, select the appropriate panning location and the type of panning product, determine the appropriate amount of ore according to the mineral content to be inspected, and determine the degree of panning according to the specific gravity and quantity of the inspected mineral.

A dual microscope can be used when inspecting fine fractions that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

In order to make the panning inspection accurate, it is necessary to make the location of each sampling, the number of samples, and the degree of panning as uniform as possible.

In order to systematically master the flotation practice of various ores, according to the characteristics of the surface properties of various minerals in the flotation and the effects and practical experience of the flotation reagents, it is practical to classify the minerals according to the floatability. This classification was first proposed by the former Soviet Union, Angelis (M·A·eǔreviec), and is divided into six categories.

(1) Non-polar non-metallic minerals. Mainly in this category are graphite , natural sulfur , coal and talc , which have good natural hydrophobicity and can be well floated with a non-polar oil collector or with only a foaming agent.

(2) Natural metals and heavy metal sulfide ore. These are natural Au, Ag, Pt, Cu, minerals and sulfide minerals such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Sb, Mo, Bi. This kind of mineral has certain hydrophobicity when the surface is not oxidized by the material. It can be effectively collected by thio compound collectors (mainly xanthate and black medicine). The flotation method is to treat such minerals. The main method.

(3) Non-ferrous metal oxide minerals. Lead carbonates and sulfates of copper zinc, and the corresponding salts of other mineral acids containing oxygen, such as white lead, lead alum, calamine, malachite, gypsum, color wulfenite like fall into this category. This type of mineral can be floated with xanthate collector after vulcanization. Flotation can also be carried out by directly using fatty acids and their soaps without vulcanization.

(4) Polar salt minerals. The crystal lattice contains alkaline earth metal cations - calcium, magnesium , strontium , barium. The ionicity of the bonds on the crystal lattice of such minerals is strong and can be reacted with the collector anions without the cations on the activator lattice. It is easy to float with fatty acids. Mineral fall into this category are: scheelite, molybdenum, tungsten calcium mineral, apatite, phosphorite, fluorite, barite, calcite, chalk, magnesite and dolomite.

(5) an oxide, silicate, and aluminum salts. There are many such minerals, some of which have industrial value, and most of the minerals are discarded as gangue minerals during flotation. Most minerals have sufficiently pronounced phytoplankability when fatty acid type collectors or cationic collectors are present. However, the floatability of many minerals in such minerals is related to the presence or absence of foreign cations on the mineral surface. Therefore, the floatability of minerals is closely related to the conditions for the formation of minerals and the treatment of pulp before flotation. Mineral fall into this category are: silica, alumina, boehmite, gibbsite, zircon, rutile, molybdenum China, hematite, magnetite, cassiterite, titanium, iron, manganese soft ore, kyanite , andalusite, feldspar, spodumene, a variety of mica, sericite, kaolin, tourmaline, asbestos, chromite, beryl and so on.

(6) Soluble salts of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals Such minerals may be floated in a saturated solution with a fatty acid or a cationic collector. The minerals that can be floated in this type of mineral are: sodium salt, potassium salt , magnesium vanadium , anhydrous potassium salt potassium magnesium vanadium.

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