Distribution of global laterite nickel ore and its development and utilization status
At present, the proven nickel reserves in the world are about 160 million tons, of which about 30% are sulfide ore and 70% are laterite nickel ore. Nickel laterite nickel sulfide produced in the same ultrabasic a belt, but not in the same vertical symbiosis on deposit, i.e. not as a copper deposit as secondary copper enrichment zone below generally have primary copper sulfide mine. Due to the good quality of nickel sulphide resources and mature technology, about 60% of the nickel production is derived from nickel sulphide ore. Due to the long-term exploitation of nickel sulphide ore, there has been no major breakthrough in the exploration of new resources for sulphide ore in the past 20 years. A sharp decline. If the annual output of nickel is 1.2 million tons, it is equivalent to 2 years of mining a nickel deposit in Vuhi Bay, Canada (the only large deposit discovered in the past 20 years, the fifth largest nickel sulfide mine in the world), and 5 years of mining. Jinchuan nickel mine (the world's third-largest nickel sulphide ore). Therefore, at present, there are resource crises in the global nickel sulphide resources, and several traditional nickel sulphide mines (Sadbury, Canada, Norilsk, Russia, Cumborda, Australia, Jinchuan, South Africa) The mining depth of Tengsburg, etc. is deepening and the mining difficulty is increasing. To this end, the global nickel industry will focus on resource development for the reserves of laterite nickel ore resources. Laterite nickel ore resources are surface weathering crust deposits formed by weathering-leaching-sedimentation of nickel sulfide ore bodies. The world's laterite nickel ore is distributed in tropical countries within 30 degrees north and south of the equator line, concentrated in the tropical-subtropical zone of the Pacific Rim. The regions are mainly: Cuba, Brazil in the Americas, Indonesia and the Philippines in Southeast Asia, Australia, New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea in Oceania. 70% of China's nickel ore reserves are concentrated in Gansu, followed by Xinjiang, Yunnan, Jilin, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Qinghai and Hubei provinces. The total reserves account for 27% of the country's total nickel resources. China's nickel ore types are mainly copper sulfide nickel ore and laterite nickel ore. China's laterite nickel ore is mainly imported from the Philippines. Because since 1970, Japan and the Philippines began to cooperate in the establishment of high-grade nickel ore joint venture mining company mining nickel-containing more than 2%, transport back to the new Nippon Steel and Sumitomo smelting, lead to high-grade nickel ore in the Philippines been monopolized by Japanese companies However, China can only import low-grade nickel ore with a nickel content of 0.9% to 1.1%. China's neighboring countries have a nickel ore reserve of 11.25 million tons, which is only distributed in a few countries, including Russia (6.6 million tons), Indonesia (3.2 million tons), the Philippines (410,000 tons), Myanmar (920,000 tons) and Vietnam (120,000). Tons), but it accounts for a large proportion of the world's total reserves, accounting for about 23%. Among them, laterite nickel ore is mainly distributed in Indonesia, the Philippines and Myanmar. The nickel resources in Indonesia are mainly red earth nickel deposits in the weathering crust of basic and ultrabasic rock masses, distributed in the eastern part of the archipelago. The ore belt can be traced from Central Sulawesi to Halmahra, Obi, Waigeo Islands. And the Tanamela area of ​​the bird head peninsula of Irian Jaya, due to the widespread distribution of the weathering crust of the ultrabasic rock belt in Indonesia, its lateritic nickel- cobalt ore has good prospecting prospects. The Philippines is also dominated by laterite nickel, mainly distributed on the island of Nonoke. There is also a laterite-type nickel silicate mine in Myanmar, which is controlled by the ultra-basic rock belt of the Indo-Myanmar Mountains and distributed in the western margin of the Central Basin. Russia's nickel resources are distributed in the Norilsk copper-copper-nickel mine on the northwestern edge of the Siberian platform. The nickel mine in Vietnam is a copper-nickel sulfide type distributed in the northwest. It is known to have the Banfo deposit in Shanluo Province, which is distributed in the Tabu ophiolite belt of the Heishuihe rift, with proven reserves of 120,000 tons. Reasons for the development of world lateritic nickel ore With the economic development of the world in the 1990s, the demand for stainless steel, which accounts for 65% of nickel use, has grown strongly. Nickel demand has increased by more than 4% per year for the first five years. It is predicted that the growth rate will be 3.5% to 4% in the next 5 to 10 years, including Asia. The nickel demand growth rate will be 7%. However, the world's recently available nickel sulphide resources, with the exception of Canada's Voisey bay nickel mine, are almost incomparable. The world has so far discovered about 70 million tons of nickel metal resources. Among them, nickel sulfide is about 30 million tons, accounting for 42%. The rest are laterite nickel. The advantages of developing and utilizing laterite-type nickel are: First, the laterite-type nickel is rich in resources, with a total of 41 million tons of nickel metal in the world, and the exploration cost is low. Second, mining costs are extremely low. Third, the process of metallurgy has matured. The red smelting method of the laterite nickel ore has matured and the pressure acid leaching technology has matured. The technology began in the 1950s and was first used in the Moa Bay mine in Cuba, called AMAX® PAL technology. Since then, in the 1970s, Australia's QNI Corporation built the Yabula nickel plant, which was acid-leached to treat laterite nickel mines in New Caledonia, Indonesia and Queensland, Australia. The technology of wet processing of laterite-type nickel ore by Sherritt of Canada has been recognized. Fourth, laterite-type nickel ore can produce intermediate products such as nickel oxide, sulfur nickel, iron nickel, etc. Among them, sulfur nickel and nickel oxide can be used by nickel refineries to solve the problem of insufficient nickel sulfide raw materials. As for iron and nickel, it is easier to manufacture stainless steel and reduce production costs. For example, the Indonesian Antam company used the local laterite nickel ore, the cost of producing iron and nickel has dropped to 1.4 US dollars / pound of nickel (1 pound = 0.453 kg - editor's note) last year, the annual output of nearly 10,000 tons of nickel. Fifth, the world's lateritic resources are mainly distributed in the near equatorial region, and most of them are close to the coast, which is convenient for outbound transportation. Therefore, although the investment in laterite-type nickel construction plants is relatively large, the annual production capacity per pound of nickel is generally 9 to 11 US dollars. However, due to the above advantages, if the process is reasonable and well-managed, the production cost per pound of nickel can be lower than that of vulcanization. nickel. In the case of Australia's largest nickel company, Western Mining Corporation (WMC), the total cost per pound of nickel (including investment amortization) has fallen from $3.00 in 1996 to $2.00 (2000). Mature clay mines with mature technology and advanced management can also reach this level. In particular, the detailed feasibility study report of the red earth type nickel ore pressure acid leaching technology project in recent years, taking into account the value of cobalt, the production cost per pound of nickel is below 1.4 US dollars. Therefore, the technical center for the development and utilization of laterite-type nickel ore has been converted from a fire method to a wet-process acid-leached metal. With the investment in the construction of three laterite nickel plants in western Australia in recent years, people have a new understanding of the utilization properties and types of lateritic nickel resources. They can be divided into two categories: one is called “wet typeâ€. ", mainly distributed in the near equator, such as New Caledonia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and the Caribbean; the other type is called "dry", mainly distributed in the southern hemisphere continent far from the equator. It is represented by Western Australia. In addition to Western Australia, laterite-type nickel ore resources are also distributed in East Australia. They are produced in the northern part of Queensland and the Midwest of New South Wales. They have discovered 3 million tons of nickel metal and a total of 15 million tons in Australia. The amount of nickel metal. Since the beginning of 1999, three high-pressure acid leaching nickel plants have been produced in Western Australia. These three plants are Cawse, Bulong and Murrin Murrin. At the end of the process, the basic process used in these three plants is High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL), but the process in the second half is different. The Cowes Nickel plant produces nickel hydroxide intermediates and then electrolyzes metal cathode nickel and cobalt sulfide. The process of the Bron plant does not pass through the process of nickel hydroxide intermediate products, directly producing nickel and cobalt metal. Molin Moline is similar to the on-site process at the Moy Bay Nickel Plant in Cuba, and uses the Canadian Sherritt technology to produce mixed nickel/cobalt intermediates and then electrolytically refine to produce metallic nickel and diamonds. A new batch of laterite-type nickel ore PAL nickel plant construction and expansion projects in the world has begun. The development trend is very obvious and can be summarized as: 1. Due to the significant reduction of development resources for nickel sulphide, the increase of nickel production in the world in the next decade will be mainly due to the development of lateritic nickel resources. In the development of lateritic nickel resources, the development trend of PAL technology is greater than that of iron-nickel technology. ; 2. The investment cost of the PAL wet process technology and the red earth type nickel ore fire smelter is roughly the same, that is, the annual production capacity is 8 to 12 US dollars per pound of nickel. However, the PAL technology nickel plant will significantly reduce its infrastructure investment in the next round of construction or expansion projects; 3, the production cost of the PAL process is generally lower than the iron-nickel process, and the PAL method consumes significantly less energy than the iron-nickel process. Therefore, economically, the PAL technology method will show its superiority; 4. Because the "wet type" laterite mineral resources have the advantages of high grade, less clay and easy treatment, compared with the "dry" laterite resources, the development of "wet" resources has the advantage of development and utilization. 5. The PAL technology of laterite-type nickel ore can produce intermediate products on site: nickel hydroxide or sulfur nickel, which can provide expansion of existing nickel refineries or solve the problem of insufficient supply. The business direction taken by the company. This business idea is worth learning from. Vacuum Forming Machine,Vacuum Former,Vacuform Machine,Vacuum Mold Machine haiyuanmachinery , https://www.lkfoamfoodboxmachine.com