Development of eco-efficient modern agriculture, agricultural environment detector can help
The development of ecologically efficient and modern agriculture is an important direction for the development of modern agriculture, and it is also a major goal. To achieve this goal, effective agricultural disaster prevention and prevention work must be done first. Using agricultural environmental detectors to collect agrometeorological data such as light, wind direction, direction, and rainfall can not only play a certain role in early warning of the occurrence of natural disasters, but also can predict the growth of the planted crops through data analysis, thus improving Crop production and quality. We know that to alert agricultural natural disasters, the most important thing is to start agricultural meteorological environmental monitoring. The agricultural environment detector can be described as the most professional in this operation. According to the actual needs of production, the environmental data selected by the agricultural environmental detectors are monitored. Which basically covers environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, light intensity, photosynthetically active radiation, wind speed, rain, CO2 concentration, soil temperature, soil moisture, soil pH, soil salinity, etc. The instrument not only greatly improves the accuracy and accuracy of the environment, but also reduces the workload of the staff and improves the work efficiency. In addition, agro-meteorological monitoring is for production services. Therefore, the use of agricultural environmental detectors for early warning of natural disasters has an important role in promoting actual production results. For example, through instrumental monitoring, it was found that the land in the fields was very dry. At this time, the water in the fields needed to be replenished in time. With such precise irrigation, on the one hand, water saving effects can be achieved, and on the other hand, The growth needs of the crops are met in a timely manner, and their growth is promoted. As a result, the growth of crops is better, and the yield and quality of agricultural products are also higher. In the current development of ecologically efficient modern agriculture, we can see that more and more scientific instruments such as agricultural environmental detectors have been applied to agricultural production, and have played an important role in actual production. Farmers have solved some practical problems in production and planting, which has helped the development of ecologically efficient modern agriculture. Drag Chain,Drop Forged Chain,Conveyor Drop Forge Chain,En Mass Chain Conveyor Chain Quantum Conveying Systems Yangzhou Co.,Ltd. ,