Detailed! How to observe the flotation phenomenon?

The job responsibilities of the flotation operator are to maintain the normal operation of the equipment, to adjust the reagents and equipment according to the flotation phenomenon, so that the flotation index is stable and ideal. Therefore, whether the flotation phenomenon is accurate or not is the key to obtaining good indicators. A common method of determining the quality of a flotation product is to observe the foam and panning products.

Observation bubble

The flotation operator adjusts the flotation agent addition amount, the concentrate scraping amount and the medium mine circulation amount based on the judgment of the appearance of the flotation foam. The main observations of the appearance of flotation foam are:

1, virtual and real

The mineral surface has a high degree of mineralization, and the foam is solid and not empty. We call the foam “real”, which is generally seen in the selection and rough selection operations. During the sweeping operation, the fragile foam of the sweeping operation will be “virtual” because the rough selection has already floated the useful minerals. The addition of the agent directly affects the phenomenon of flotation foam. If the dose is appropriate, the rough selection of the first tank foam will be normal "real", if the inhibitor is excessive or the collector is too small, the foam is "virtual".

2, big and small

The size of the bubbles on the surface of the foam layer often varies with the nature of the ore, the pharmaceutical system, and the flotation operation. In the general sulphide ore flotation, bubbles of 8 to 10 cm in diameter can be regarded as large bubbles, those of 3 to 5 cm are medium bubbles, and those of 1 to 2 cm are small bubbles. The bubble mineralization is good for the middle bubble, and the middle bubble is common in the selection and rough selection. During the bubble merger process, some large bubbles appear to increase the concentrate grade; when the bubble mineralization is poor, it is mostly the large bubble (vacuum), sweeping The tail of the operation is more common; the oxidized ore flotation occasionally sees many bubbles and small, the grade of coarse concentrate is low, and the recovery rate is high; see also the phenomenon that the bubbles are small, small and empty, the grade of coarse concentrate is low, and the recovery rate is also low.

Therefore, observing the size and virtual reality of the bubble is very important for judging the flotation index.

3, color

The color of the foam is determined by the color of the attached mineral and water film. Such as the flotation of hematite foam was brick red. The sweeping tail foam is often a white water film color. Scavenging mineral floating deeper color job, the greater the loss of metal, the darker the floating crude mineral selected operations thereof, the better the quality of the concentrate, typically determines whether the flotation clean and easier job criteria whether the bubble scavenger White, but this is not the only standard, the specific situation needs to be analyzed.

4, luster

The luster of the foam is determined by the luster of the mineral and the water of the water film. However, the thickness of the flotation ore also affects the gloss of the foam surface.

5, the contour

The mineralized bubbles in the flotation are often round and elliptical due to the influence of the slurry flow, the mutual interference of the bubbles and the gravity of the surface layer. The contour of the newly formed mineralized bubble is relatively clear, and the bubble outline is blurred after the foam surface is long and the residence time is long.

6, thick and thin

The thickness of the foam layer is related to the amount of foaming agent and the degree of bubble mineralization. If the foaming agent is high, the ore grade is high, the concentration is large, and the mineralization degree is good, the foam layer is thicker, and vice versa. However, if the flotation of the ore is too thick, it is difficult to form a thick foam layer. Different ore properties have different requirements for the thin layer of the foam layer.

7, crisp and sticky

The foam is brittle and the stability is poor, and it is easy to be broken. If it is too sticky, it is easy to "run the trough", the grade of the concentrate is poor, and the transportation is difficult. Excessive amounts of foaming agent, mixed with motor oil, and a large amount of slime in the ore will make the foam sticky.

8, audio

When the foam is scraped off by the scraper, the mineral is heavy, the grain size is coarse, the foam is solid, and the mineral mineralization is good. When the foam is scraped out and falls into the foam tank, it will “sand”.

Washing products

That is, using a spoon, a bowl, a panning dish, etc. to wash the foam product or tailings to identify the quality of the concentrate and the metal loss.

The picture shows the white tungsten coarse concentrate after panning under fluorescent light, with more white particles.

Washing requirements:

According to the purpose of panning, select the appropriate panning location and panning product type, determine the appropriate panning amount according to the mineral content to be inspected, and determine the panning degree according to the specific gravity and quantity of the inspected mineral.


(1) When the copper concentrate grade is determined whether the requirements, the disc can be extracted with washing foam product selection copper last job to panning dish, then a small amount of flush water washing, to see whether the copper concentrate containing pyrite Mineral, pyrrhotite, argillaceous gangue, used to estimate the grade of copper concentrate (chalcopyrite has yellow and green metallic luster, if the rules are a bit black; pyrite is white and yellow luster, mostly in the form of flakes The pyrrhotite has a brownish-yellow brownish luster; the muddy gangue has a fine-grained flocculent shape without metallic luster).

(2) When judging whether the tail of the scheelite meets the requirements, use the panning tray to take the tailings slurry of the last sweeping operation of the white tungsten, pick up a small amount of flushing water for multiple panning, and put a small amount of tailings into the fluorescent lamp after panning. Under the photo, if the number of particles emitting white light is very small, it indicates that the white tungsten floatation is clean, and vice versa.

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