Demand for biodegradable plastics is expected to grow by 16.6% annually in the United States

According to the latest market research report released by Freedonia Group Inc., it is predicted that by 2014, the annual demand for biodegradable plastics in the United States will increase by 16.6% to 325 million pounds (147,418 tons), and the total market price will reach 380 million US dollars (2.6 billion). RMB yuan).
The report said that the current dominant market for degradable plastics is polylactic acid (PLA) and starch-based plastics, and the demand for these two products is growing strongly. From now until 2014, PLA's annual demand growth will exceed 20%. Its driving factors include increased supply, improved proficiency of processors, and improved performance to expand potential applications.
Freedonia expects that the demand for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) will grow strongly, thanks in part to the availability of new grades of degradable plastics that can replace polyolefins in injection molding applications, and disposable tableware, Expansion of applications in nonwovens, containers and bottles.

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