CNC machine tools have accumulated a lot of maintenance practices

In the fault detection of CNC machine tools, reasoning can be carried out in two aspects, namely forward and reverse. Forward: Starting from the cause of the fault, explore its functional connection, check the impact of the cause on the result, that is, according to the reason why the fault may occur, and whether it is consistent with the fault phenomenon to determine the fault point.

Using reasoning, starting to reason and analyze objects is often ambiguous, because in many failure causes or phenomena, to find out their common features, to determine the point of failure, as the reasoning step by step, you will realize the reasoning analysis object The personality trait is the fault you are looking for.

The replacement method is to observe the operation of the CNC machine tool through the substitution and comparison of the same function module or component under the premise of spare parts, so as to analyze and judge the fault. Although the above method is simple, it is effective, especially when there are multiple identical CNC machines.

There are no unchanging rules for finding and eliminating faults in the CNC system. As long as the fault can be safely eliminated, no matter which method is used, it is necessary to improve the maintenance skills and accumulate and explore the experience through a large number of maintenance practices.


Steel Baler

This steel baler equipment can squeeze all kinds of scrap metal raw materials into cuboid, cylinder and other various shapes, its compression ratio is high, convenient for storage, transportation and smelting, improve the furnace feeding efficiency, suitable for scrap steel processing and distribution center, scrap car dismantling center, casting industry, steel mills and non-ferrous metal industry.

1) All structural parts are reliable and stable. The wear-resistant plate is made of Hardox plate imported from Switzerland, featuring long service life and low maintenance cost

2) The operation mode can be manual mode or automatic control mode, which is simple and easy to learn

Steel Shavings Baler, Steel Turnings Baler, Waste Steel Baler, Steel Scraps Baler

Jiangyin Metallurgy Hydraulic Machinery Factory ,