China plans to build 50 green mining development demonstration zones in three years

China’s Deputy Minister of Land and Resources Ling Yueming said in Beijing on the 10th that by 2020, China will build more than 50 green mining development demonstration zones, with the goal of basically building a green mining development model that is efficient, environmentally friendly and harmonious.

In the past few decades, the exploitation of mineral resources has brought a series of problems such as ecology and environment to China. Ling Yueming said, including ground subsidence caused by mining, especially coal mining subsidence and other serious disaster; take up a huge amount of damage to the land, a total of more than 3 million hectares; undermine regional groundwater systems, leading to falling water tables, babbling even less dry; waste water pollution In the water and soil environment, the national solid waste residue accumulation exceeds 48 billion tons, and the annual output of mine wastewater exceeds 11 billion square meters.

It is extremely urgent to change the way of development in the past and build green mines.

Recently, the Ministry of Land Resources, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environmental Protection, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Banking Regulatory Commission, Securities Regulatory Commission jointly issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the construction of green mine", and comprehensively promote green mine construction work. The opinion requires that all new mines meet the requirements of green mine construction, and the production mines will be upgraded and upgraded, and will gradually meet the standards. To achieve the goal, the six departments from the land, with four mines, fiscal, financial and other, to come up with "real money" incentive policies and measures.

In terms of mineral resources policy support, from the aspects of the regulation of total mining quotas and the release of mining rights, the green mines and green mining development demonstration zones are preferentially tilted according to law.

In terms of green mining land security, it supports and guarantees the land use needs for the transformation and development of color mining enterprises and demonstration areas in terms of planning scale, annual planning indicators, new mining land acquisition, and stock use.

In terms of fiscal policy, we will increase support for green mines in terms of coordinating central and local financial fund arrangements and implementing high-tech enterprise tax and fee reduction policies. For example, within the scope of “High-tech fields supported by the family”, if the conditions are met and recognized as high-tech enterprises, the enterprise income tax may be levied at a reduced rate of 15% according to law.

In terms of green financial support, we have increased support from the implementation of supportive green credit, support for listing financing, and construction of a credit information system. For example, the green mining enterprises that meet the requirements are listed on the domestic small and medium-sized board, the GEM and the main board, and the new three boards and the regional equity market.

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