Bosch Denso Expands Market Leadership in Automotive MEMS Devices
According to IHSiSuppli's automotive MEMS report, Bosch Germany is the world's largest manufacturer of automotive MEMS devices in 2011. With its dominant position and a growth rate higher than the industry average, Bosch achieved growth in its operating revenue. Last year, Bosch’s operating income reached US$625 million, a 19% increase from the US$524 million in 2010, and the overall speed of the automotive MEMS industry was higher than 14%. Its operating income is 339 million US dollars higher than the second ranked Denso Corporation. Denso’s operating revenue increased by 9% to US$286 million. Bosch and Denso and other top 10 automotive MEMS manufacturers’ total operating revenue in 2011 exceeded US$2 billion, an increase of 11% from the US$1.8 billion in 2010, as shown in Table 1. Several of the top 10 vendors include Panasonic, Freescale Semiconductor, Sensata Technologies Inc., Analog Devices, Infineon, VTI Technologies Oy, GESensing Inc., and Delphi Electronics. Last year, the top ten manufacturers accounted for 91% of the market share. In 2011, the overall automotive MEMS sensor revenue was 2.24 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 14% from the 1.96 billion U.S. dollars in 2010. Despite the natural disasters in Japan and Thailand last year, the industry still achieved growth, and the growth in the next two years will be strongly promoted by relevant government orders. For example, the US and European governments require the use of electronic stability control (ESC) and tire pressure monitoring systems. . Bosch's ranking of last year was probably due to the fact that the internal monopoly market has enhanced the stability and visibility of its business. Bosch is an important player in the automotive MEMS market. The overall shipment of automotive ESC systems ranks first, and the overall shipments of automotive MEMS sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and pressure sensors are also the highest. The rapid growth of the airbag market in China and the rising demand for positive and side airbags in the United States have also boosted Bosch’s performance. The United States is conducting particularly stringent tests on the doors, unlike Europe and any other region. Denso, Sensata, and Panasonic increase operating revenue; Freescale performance slumps The second-ranked Denso Co., Ltd. is a major supplier to the Japanese market. It has a diverse customer base and has acquired nearly half of MEMS business from Toyota Motor. Denso also ranked second in 2010. After the earthquake and tsunami in March in Japan, a huge loss occurred in the second quarter of last year, but managed to get rid of the loss in the third quarter. Denso is the largest supplier of MEMS sensors for automotive heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) systems and the largest supplier of satellite airbag accelerometers and pressure sensors. However, due to the appreciation of the yen against the US dollar, the company has been relatively weak compared to other manufacturers in the automotive MEMS market over the past two years. Japan’s Panasonic ranked third last year with operating income of US$202 million, a 12% increase from the US$181 million in 2010. Most of Panasonic’s sales come from its automotive gyro business, which has a narrower range of business than the two largest manufacturers. However, Panasonic is the undisputed leader in the field of in-dash navigation gyroscopes and is second only to Bosch in terms of gyroscopes required for ESC systems. In the automotive MEMS field, these two devices are the most expensive. At the same time, the company is no longer the sole supplier of yaw rate sensors for European Tier1Continental, and will face more competition from the Finnish company VTI in the field of packaged inertial sensors in the ESC system in the future. Last year, the United States ranked fourth in Freescale, a drop of one, automotive MEMS operating income of 191 million US dollars. Sensata ranks fifth, only one million behind Freescale. Freescale is the top US supplier in the field and is the leading supplier of satellite airbag accelerometers, but its share of this area in the past year has declined due to the earthquake destroying its factory in Sendai, Japan. Among the top 10 vendors, Freescale’s annual revenue growth rate is the lowest, only 1%. The Sensata, Mass., Massachusetts, MEMS manufacturing business focuses on pressure sensors and is the largest supplier of high voltage applications such as brakes and shared fuel rails. These applications use its silicon piezoresistive sensors. Sensata’s operating revenue in 2011 increased by 24% year-on-year, being the second highest among all manufacturers, and even higher than Bosch ranking first. Other members of the top 10 vendors Among other members of the top 10 vendors, the United States has the slowest growth rate for Delphi with a growth rate of only 3%, while the Dutch VTI growth rate is as high as 36%. The growth rate of VTI is the highest among the top 10 manufacturers, thanks to its strong position in the ESC accelerometer field. Both Infineon in Germany and Analog Devices in the United States grew faster than the industry average of 14% and joined Bosch, Sensata and VTI. The growth rate of U.S. GE Sensing is 12%, slightly lower than the industry average. Japan Fuji Electric fell out of the top 10, ranking 11th, with an overall operating income of US$30 million. Sand Casting And Pump Housing,Sand Casting,Oil Pump Agricultural Machinery Parts Co., LTD. ,