Antimony ore

Its main uses are:

(1) Its water-soluble paramagnetic complex can medically improve the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging signal of the human body.

(2) Its sulfur oxide can be used as a substrate grid of a special brightness oscilloscope and an x-ray screen.

(3) The ruthenium in yttrium gallium garnet is an ideal single substrate for the bubble memory.

(4) It can be used as a solid magnetic refrigerant medium without the Camot cycle limitation.

(5) Used as an inhibitor to control the chain reaction level of nuclear power plants to ensure the safety of nuclear reactions.

(6) It is used as an additive for samarium- cobalt magnets to ensure that the properties do not change with temperature.

In addition, cerium oxide is used together with cerium to contribute to changes in the vitrification zone and to improve the thermal stability of the glass. Cerium oxide can also be used to make capacitors, x-ray intensifying screens. In the world are currently working to develop gadolinium alloy and its applications in magnetic refrigeration area, has been a breakthrough, the use of superconducting magnets at room temperature, gadolinium metal or alloy magnetic refrigerator cooling medium is now available.

Element name: é’†

The content of elements in the sun: (ppm) 0.002

Element content in seawater: (ppm) Pacific surface 0.0000006

Content in the earth's crust: (ppm) 7.7

Element atomic weight: 157.3

Oxidation state: Main Gd+2, Gd+3


Crystal structure: The unit cell is a hexagonal unit cell.

Cell parameters:

a = 363.6 pm

b = 363.6 pm

c = 578.26 pm

α = 90°

β = 90°

γ = 120°

Vickers hardness: 570MPa

The propagation rate of sound in it: (m/S) 2680

Ionization energy (kJ / mol)

M - M+ 592.5

M+ - M2+ 1167

M2+ - M3+ 1990

M3+ - M4+ 4250

Element type: metal

Discovered by: CGMarignac Discovered: 1880

Discovery process:

In 1880, CG Marignac discovered.

Element description:

It becomes dull in the humid air. Soluble in acid, insoluble in water. The oxide is white powder. Salt is colorless. It has good properties such as superconductivity, high magnetic moment and Curie point at room temperature.é’† has the following isotopes: 152Gd, 154Gd~158Gd, 160Gd.

Element source:

Gadolinium, gadolinium from silicon beryllium ore. It can be obtained by reducing lanthanum fluoride GdF 3 · 2H 2 O with calcium.

Element use:

Often used as a material for neutron absorption in atomic reactors. Also used in microwave technology, color TV sets of phosphors.

Elemental auxiliary materials:

After self Mosangdeer has found that lanthanum, erbium and terbium, pay particular attention to countries chemists to separate new elements from rare earth elements it has been found. In the second year after the discovery, in 1880 Swiss scientist Malinnak discovered two new elements and named them gamma alpha and gamma beta. It was later confirmed that gamma beta and 钐 are the same element. In 1886, Bois Bodrang made pure gamma alpha and determined that it was a new element. Named gadolinium, the element symbol Gd. This is to commemorate the Finnish mineralogist J. Gadonlin.

Gadolinium, samarium, praseodymium, neodymium are from that time was considered one rare earth element didymium separated out. Due to their discovery, didymium is no longer reserved. And it is their discovery that opened the third door to the discovery of rare earth elements and the third stage of discovering rare earth elements. But this is only half of the work done in the third phase. The exact will be open the door to complete the separation of cerium or cerium, yttrium and the other half will open the door or complete separation of yttrium.

Element symbol: Gd English name: Gadolinium Chinese name: é’†

Relative atomic mass: 157.25 Common valence: +3 Electronegativity: 1.2

Peripheral electronic layout: 4f7 5d1 6s2 Extranuclear electronic layout: 2,8,18,25,9,2

Isotope and radiation: Gd-148[75y] Gd-150[1800000y] Gd-152 (put a[1.1E11y]) Gd-154 Gd-155 Gd-156 Gd-157 *Gd-158 Gd-159[18.6h] Gd-160 Gd-162[8.4m]

The position of the periodic table: 64

Electronic layer distribution: 2-8-16-25-9-2

Electron affinity and energy: 0 KJ·mol -1

First ionization energy: 594 KJ·mol -1 second ionization energy: 1170 KJ·mol -1 third ionization energy: 0 KJ·mol -1

Elemental density: 7.895 g/cm 3 Elemental melting point: 1311.0 °C Elemental boiling point: 3233.0 °C

Atomic radius: 2.54 angstrom ionic radius: 1.05 (+3) angstrom valence radius: 1.61 angstrom

Common compound: none

Found by: Malinnak Time: 1880 Location: Switzerland

Origin of the name:

Named after gadolinite.

Element description:

Soft and malleable silver- white metal.

Element source:

Coexist with other rare earth elements in silicon germanium or monazite sand.

Element use:

One component is used as an iron alloy, also used in the manufacture of electronic components. The two isotopes of thorium are the most effective neutron absorbers. Although they are limited due to their scarcity, they are often used in the manufacture of control rods in nuclear reactors. They function to absorb neutrons and effectively terminate the chain in the nuclear reactor. The reaction proceeds.

Like many rare earth element, gadolinium compound was prepared phosphors for color TV tubes and computer displays.é’† is ferromagnetic, which means it is strongly attracted to magnets like iron and cobalt. An interesting property of cockroaches is that their Curie point is only 17 degrees Celsius, perhaps close to room temperature. The Curie point is the demagnetization temperature of the magnetic material.

It has been successfully applied to new neutron radiography techniques on metal interior altars. It is used in the aerospace and shipbuilding industries to detect cracks and structural defects present in the hull and fuselage. Like traditional radiography, neutron radiography gives a shadow map of the internal structure of the material because some materials are more transparent to the seed than others.

In neutron photography, in addition to the film used in X-ray photography, a conversion is required. This screen is often made of tantalum and placed against the film. The neutron that passes through the sample to be tested interacts with the screen to make it radioactive, and the limit imposed by him is that the film turns black to form an image.

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